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Interview de Greg Wilson a propos de l'October Patch :



Oui, j'ai déterré ce topic pour qu'il serve à regrouper les nouvelles sur CoH 2 qui ne nécessitent pas forcement la création d'un nouveau topic.

Mettez les nouvelles en rouge pour qu'on puisse bien les distinguer des commentaires.

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Quick Update: That Nasty “On Me” Bug

Our team is currently working to resolve an especially frustrating bug that our community is facing in the live game. This bug allows those playing as the US Faction to use an in-game exploit in order to gain an unfair advantage over competitors, and in some cases win matches.

We realize the frustration that this issue is causing, and are actively working to resolve it. In the meantime, we ask players to refrain from using this exploit in game. We want to ensure that our community has a fun and fair in-game experience, and using exploits goes against the spirit of what we’re all here for – to play video games and have fun.

We thank you for your patience, and will provide further updates as they become available.

Posted by Cynthia Griffiths in Company of Heroes 2, The Western Front Armies on 8:07:20PM Jan 14, 2015 |

Source : http://blogs.companyofheroes.com/2015/01/14/quick-update-that-nasty-on-me-bug
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Dommage ça vient d'être corrigé.

Voir le topic changelog.


Update: USF “On Me” Bug Resolved.

Hi folks, I’m happy to share a quick update on the “On Me” bug and exploit! We’ve just pushed a fix to the game to resolve this issue. In addition to this, we’ve also included one additional fix. Further details regarding both of those fixes will be found at the end of this post.

Our first priority has been ensuring that this issue be resolved and fixed in-game. Next, I want to speak to the concerns we’ve seen in our community regarding how this impacts the leaderboards/ladders. We are currently in the process of pulling data surrounding this exploit and are determining how this will be addressed. Once our investigation is complete, we will provide a further update with our community. We’re also working to develop a clear and concise policy to address future exploits should they arise again. As we continue to grow our multi-player base and work to expand into the world of eSports, we recognize that it is important for us to cultivate a fair and competitive space for our players.

As mentioned in my previous post, the use of exploits and cheating within Company of Heroes 2 completely contradicts the spirit of what we want to achieve in our game space. Thank you to everyone that has reported this issue, we appreciate your patience with us as we worked to resolve this.

Update for January 15th:

1) Fixed an exploit that allowed units under the effect of Captain’s Ability “On Me” to use a stack bonus if they re-crew an abandon vehicle while the ability is active.

2) Fixed an exploit with the Stuart Tanks that saw the ‘shell shock’ ability remain permanently enabled if the crew disembarked and re-crewed during that ability.

Also fixed a similar issue with the M10 and M36 tanks

Stay tuned for more information regarding action taken and a more firmly established exploit policy.

Posted by Cynthia Griffiths in Community, Company of Heroes 2, Updates on 2:59:57PM Jan 15, 2015 |

Source : http://blogs.companyofheroes.com/2015/01/15/update-usf-on-me-bug-resolved
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Relic va streamer sur la plate-forme Twitch demain 17 janvier 2015 à 2h du matin (16 janvier 5pm PST)

Voici le lien de leur chaine : http://www.twitch.tv/relicentertainment


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J'ai maté le stream en direct. C'était un peu du n'importe quoi au niveau commentaire... Les gens posent 1000 questions en même temps et la community manager répond a 4 questions et elle les choisit bien. 


En ce qui concerne les US ils n'ont pas prévu les rangers ... soit c'est du pipo soit c'est bien dommage. 


Vivement des améliorations au niveaux de l'équilibrage et un changement de classement qui reflète plus la réalité.

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On apprend aussi que le prochain patch arrivera début février (pas de nouveau contenu mais des résolutions de bugs) et que l'on peut empiler les bulletins pour accumuler les bénéfices (par exemple 3 fois le même bulletin) sauf concernant les bulletins de baisse de cout.

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@ Tom, j'ai cru voir sur CoH2.org qu'un gars qui avait demandé un changement de classement sur "Relic entertainment stream" s'est vu banni pour toute réponse... :| hum... :(  Pas très engageant de la part de Relic...



@ BlackPearl, c'est marrant d'apprendre que l'on peut additionner les effets d'un même bulletin parce que j'avais vu quelque part (sur le même CoH2.org je crois) que l'on se moquait d'un gars qui le faisait, justement... :zarb:

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Je fais plus confiance à un développeur du jeu; à Peter en l’occurrence. ^^

Il y a plusieurs topic à ce sujet et tu trouves de tout comme réponses.

La raison est peut être que tous les bulletins ne s'ajoutent pas et que certains qui devraient en théorie s'ajouter ne le font pas.

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Community Farewell from pqumsieh

Dear COH2 Community,

After much thought and consideration, I have decided to move onto a new adventure. January 23 will be my last day at Relic Entertainment. This decision is definitely a difficult one; I will deeply miss you all. Yet I’ve found myself presented with an opportunity that I cannot pass up. To the community, thank you for your endless support. To our Alpha group and modders – for no other reason than your passion for the franchise did you invest countless hours into helping make COH2 the game it is today. Your continued effort and dedication will not soon be forgotten.

The last 2.5 years has been nothing short of amazing. Like many of you, I once was a fan who played countless hours of Company of Heroes and even got around to working on some community mods. Working at Relic has been a dream come true, I got to take my passion and make it a reality. Not only that, I was lucky enough to work with some amazing people; both inside and out of the studio.

I look forward to my transition from a developer back into a fan. To say the least, I am extremely excited about the future of Company of Heroes. The team has some great things in store which I feel will help bring COH2 to a new level. While I may be viewed as one of the more public faces within Relic Entertainment, it is important to emphasize that this is and always has been a team effort. From game design and balance all the way through to art and QA, no decision at Relic is made by any one person. We have worked together as a group to continue to push the franchise forward, and they will continue to do this in my absence. I am looking forward to seeing even more of our hard work made public in 2015.

All the best,


Source : http://community.companyofheroes.com/forum/company-of-heroes-2/company-of-heroes-2-general-discussion/144164-community-farewell-from-pqumsieh
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Pour info, Relic stream ce soir à 00h00. Ils annoncent les sujets qui y seront abordés dans le post suivant :




Rien de bien folichon à attendre, si ce n'est la révélation d'une date pour le prochain patch.

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Tout à fait, 31 Mars, et c'est bien la seule info que Cynthia ait révélé.


Pour le reste, c'était du genre "On a bien conscience que vous êtes impatients, mais nous ne pouvons rien vous révéler pour le moment." pendant à peu près toute la durée du stream.  :yeux:

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    • Oh merci, franchement je n'étais pas venue pour ça, mais bangeur, ça va m'être utile mrc bcp frérot
    • Bonjour,   Sur COH3 j'ai pu  faire plusieurs parties sans problème mais maintenant au bout de quelques secondes l'écran devient noir, on peut voir les unités et le jeux continue. J'ai une carte intel graphique 630 Que faire?
    • Bonjours,  Depuis quelques temps j'ai constaté que certain des mods installés pour COH sur mon pc bug au chargement des maps ou in game et m'affiche un message qui dit "Impossible de créer le rapport d'erreur vérifiez votre dossier TEMP" j'ai essayé une manip expliquée sur un forum de Jeuxvidéo.com mais ça marche pas ! Avez vous une solution fiable ? Je précise qu'il s'agit du Pack comprenant COH, COH : OF, COH : TOV et COH : Legacy et j'ai constaté le bug sur Battle of the Bulge et sur Far East War
    • MaJ v1.4.3.21751  - 2023/12/15 vendredi Taille : 232,4Mo This hot fix addresses our top crash from this past week that was causing players to crash while loading into a multiplayer match. This was especially problematic in larger game modes. We wanted to thank all our players for filling out their BugSplat crash reports so that we could diagnose the problem in a timely fashion. Thank you for all your patience as we worked to resolve this. ELO & ranks are now reenabled as well. Bug Fixes Addressed a crash while loading into a 4v4 quick match. Artillery Radio Beacon now stops receiving bonuses to rate of fire and range as soon as the ability is cancelled. Fixed alignment of territory lines and icons on the tactical map for rectangular shaped maps. Fixed an issue where players could not change Company Support options when starting a mission in the Italian Dynamic Campaign. Fixed some messages not appearing when a tutorial is calling the player's attention to something. Source : https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1677280/view/3891737145570951427
    • Bonjour, Je pense que la version de CoH sur le CD/DVD de CoH Anthology est en quelque sort trop vieille et donc plus compatible pour fonctionner sur Windows 10. Si je me suis souviens bien, CoH Anthology regroupe : CoH, CoH : Opposing Fronts et CoH : Tales of Valor. As-tu toujours les clés/codes CD de ces jeux ? Si oui, alors je te conseille d'ajouter ces clés sur Steam pour pouvoir télécharger le jeu dans sa dernière version et y jouer. Procédure dans ce sujet :  
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