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Petite présentation d'une partie des membres du staff de Relic Entertainment (alias relican) ou d'ancien membre en charge de CoH 2 et déjà apparu dans des vidéos YouTube ou Twitch.


Community Manager


John alias JohnT_RE : Community Manager (depuis février 2021)


Andrew Bergin alias Andy_RE (d'avril 2018 à juin 2020) puis Brand Manager


Kyle Fehr alias Kyle_RE (de juillet 2015 à septembre 2017) puis Game Designer


Cynthia Griffiths alias Cynthia_RE (d'octobre 2014 à juillet 2015)


Jeffery Simpson alias Noun (de juin 2010 à octobre 2014)



Quinn Duffy alias Qduffy : Game Director


Greg Wilson : Executive Producer

Mitch Langran alias RnGesus : Lead Campaign Designer


Jason Lee alias Jason_RE : Lead Multiplayer Designer


Braden Chan alias bC_ et Brad_RE : Game Designer


Ben : Testeur et créateur de cartes


Chris Martin alias C-Mart : Game Designer


Ryan McGechaen alias TribalBob : Game Designer


Derek Johnson : UI Programmer



Anciens Relican

Peter Qumsieh alias pqumsieh : Game Designer (d'août 2012 à janvier 2015)


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Il n'y a pas de collabo sur ce forum. :P


Départ de Noun (CM) de Relic le 17 octobre 2014 :



Getting to work at Relic has been a privilege, and one of the best experiences of my life. Starting with Company of Heroes: Online and Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II – Retribution, through to Space Marine and now Company of Heroes 2: Ardennes Assault I have enjoyed myself more than I used to think was possible at work. Thinking back on the games I’ve worked on here I feel proud of them, and more importantly so proud of the people I’ve had the opportunity to work with both my co-workers at Relic and also you the fans of the games who make up our great communities.

The first time I heard of Relic Entertainment I was on reading break from university and had come to Vancouver to visit a friend. My friend lived in an apartment above a funeral home and I was staying with him for the week to save money. The first night he powered on his PC and picked up a box from his desk.

“Have you ever heard of this game? It’s great,” he said tossing the packaging for Homeworld in my direction.

He was right, it was great. I had fun that week hanging out in the big city of Vancouver, and playing Homeworld on my friend’s computer. Little did I realize that a few years later I’d be recounting that story in an interview for a job at Relic Entertainment. That one reading week defined my life in ways that I could not guess at back then.

On October 17th I will be leaving my position as Relic’s Community Manager.

Cynthia will be taking the lead once I depart, and I know she'll do a great job. It's been fantastic working with her over the past few months. She came to us highly recommended and in the time she's been here she's proven exactly why her reputation precedes her. She hit the ground running during the Western Front Armies release, and has fast become an instrumental part of our team.

I have had a fantastic time getting to know all of you. Here at Relic we are so grateful for all the hard work you put into supporting our games, and the passion you demonstrate on a daily basis for the work we do. It’s been great to be a part of your community over the past years, and I’m going to miss it so much.

The decision to leave Relic was a difficult one but I’m very excited for the next leg of my journey in life, which will start with a vacation with my wife and son to Australia and New Zealand.

Thank you for everything, and I wish you all the best.

Source : https://www.companyofheroes.com/blog/2014/10/03/so-long-and-thanks-for-all-the-sturmpioneers

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Community Farewell from pqumsieh

Dear COH2 Community,

After much thought and consideration, I have decided to move onto a new adventure. January 23 will be my last day at Relic Entertainment. This decision is definitely a difficult one; I will deeply miss you all. Yet I’ve found myself presented with an opportunity that I cannot pass up. To the community, thank you for your endless support. To our Alpha group and modders – for no other reason than your passion for the franchise did you invest countless hours into helping make COH2 the game it is today. Your continued effort and dedication will not soon be forgotten.

The last 2.5 years has been nothing short of amazing. Like many of you, I once was a fan who played countless hours of Company of Heroes and even got around to working on some community mods. Working at Relic has been a dream come true, I got to take my passion and make it a reality. Not only that, I was lucky enough to work with some amazing people; both inside and out of the studio.

I look forward to my transition from a developer back into a fan. To say the least, I am extremely excited about the future of Company of Heroes. The team has some great things in store which I feel will help bring COH2 to a new level. While I may be viewed as one of the more public faces within Relic Entertainment, it is important to emphasize that this is and always has been a team effort. From game design and balance all the way through to art and QA, no decision at Relic is made by any one person. We have worked together as a group to continue to push the franchise forward, and they will continue to do this in my absence. I am looking forward to seeing even more of our hard work made public in 2015.

All the best,


Source : http://community.companyofheroes.com/forum/company-of-heroes-2/company-of-heroes-2-general-discussion/144164-community-farewell-from-pqumsieh
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  • 5 months later...

Cynthia va à son tour partir le 14 juillet.



For the past year, I have proudly bled black and yellow as a dedicated Relican and representative of the Company of Heroes brand. I’ve had some amazing experiences, gained a new ‘family’ in the form of my wonderful co-workers, and never thought I’d be leaving so soon!

It’s difficult to say this, but I’m gonna have to rip the band aid off: July 14th will be my last day here at Relic.

I’m thankful to have worked with such amazing people, and with a community that has so much to give. During my time here at Relic, I’ve come to know you all on different levels. The casters that take their time to share our game with wider audiences, the hardcore players that stay up late every night to perfect their strategy, and the new players that come in eager to learn. I’d also never want to skip over our volunteer moderator team, who have fearlessly helped to keep our forums in check when we knew they were gonna require some extra attention.

It will be difficult to do so, but it’s time for me to let someone else take the reins of the Company of Heroes community. Stay tuned for more info on this! The COH2 team is hard at work for you, our players, and I will be cheering them on from the sidelines. It will be strange to watch all of the excitement with the new faction go down as an outsider. You can never truly leave Company of Heroes, and I may or may not try my hand at creating some decals and faceplates in the near future. When I’ll need help and guidance as a beginner mod, I know this community is gonna be exceptionally helpful.

I’ve had the opportunity to run around and amass some truly unique experiences that I feel lucky to have under my belt. It’s hard to decide on a favorite experience – shooting guns in London with Craig and Will for Make War Not Love, taking on the ice bucket challenge with Jefferey aka Noun, or  working with amazing charity partners such as the AbleGamers Foundation and Operation Supply Drop. I’ll miss my team, the community, being a part of this wonderful #SegaFamily, and consuming delicious desert donuts every Friday.

Thank you to all of the Company of Heroes community members I’ve had the pleasure of interacting with.  Keep calm, and COH2 on!

Be good to each other, folks <3

Source : http://blogs.companyofheroes.com/2015/06/30/tank-you-for-being-a-fan -> https://www.companyofheroes.com/blog/2015/07/09/tank-you-for-being-a-fan

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  • 5 months later...

C'est donc Kyle qui a remplacé Cynthia. Il n'a pas l'air encore très à l'aise sur CoH 2 mais après ses quelques mois chez Relic, il a prouvé qu'il était efficace dans son boulot et c'est bien ce qui compte. Relic a l'air d'avoir aussi profité de ce changement pour entamer une modification de sa communication. Il n'y a qu'à voir le nombre de messages de personnes de chez Relic sur coh2.org.

Relic est aussi à la recherche d'un(e) "Senior Engine Programmer" pour venir les épauler à Vancouver sur de l'optimisation. Espérons que Relic le/la trouve vite, qu'il/elle soit efficace et que cela concerne CoH 2. ^^


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Kyle_RE est le CM de CoH (juillet 2015) :


Hey Guys,

I just wanted to take a moment to introduce myself to all you fine folk on the forums. I am excited to meet everyone and look forward to working with all of you to help make sure COH2 is the best RTS of all time. I know I am coming into a well established community with a lot of dedicated and passionate fans so I just want you to know that I will do my best to help ensure that your voice is heard and valued by both myself and the game team.

I am still getting up-to-speed on all things Relic and COH so I ask that you all bare with me for the first little while as this transition takes place. I unfortunately won't be as active as I'd like to be getting going but I promise that will change soon.


Source : https://community.companyofheroes.com/discussion/188375/community-manager-introduction

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 Andy_RE est le CM de CoH (avril 2018) :


Hey everyone,

I just wanted to make a quick post to introduce myself. In case it wasn’t obvious, my name is Andy, and I work at Relic. Shocker I know.

I’m also the new Community Manager for the Company of Heroes franchise. I’ve been helping out with some COH related things for a while now, and I’ve been a fan of the series long before I joined Relic. Needless to say, I’m stoked to be taking on the role!

There’s a lot on the cards for 2018, and we’re going to be focused on communicating more clearly with our players, and working more closely with the community. I can’t say more just yet, but I’m super excited for what’s to come.

Cheers all,


Source : https://community.companyofheroes.com/discussion/244982/coh-community-quick-update

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 JohnT_RE est le CM de CoH (24/02/2021) :


Hey everyone,

I’m incredibly excited to join the Relic team and to jump into this role. I know I have some big shoes to fill! The COH community is really stellar and I’m looking forward to getting to know all of you.

Some info on me… I have a background in public relations / communications and have been a huge PC fan since my parents brought home a Commodore 64 when I was a kid. AoE2 and Brood War were my RTS games of choice growing up and I’ve been obsessively playing COH2 for the last while.

Personally, I like to spend my days cycling, walking my dog and drinking too much coffee. I also served as a reservist in the Canadian infantry from 2001-2009 and have a fondness for military history and movies.

You’ll be hearing more from me in the days ahead!

Source : https://community.companyofheroes.com/discussion/comment/288628#Comment_288628

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    • Oh merci, franchement je n'étais pas venue pour ça, mais bangeur, ça va m'être utile mrc bcp frérot
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