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Company of Heroes France


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  • Grem_Lismes
    Les victoires de l'impossible - Première Édition
    Je vous présente mon premier évènement (initié par la EZGK) qui débutera ...

    le dimanche 1 mars à 20h et finira le mercredi 4 mars à 20h.
    La carte du défi sera révélée à l’ouverture de l’évènement
    BUT DU JEU :
    Tenir le plus longtemps possible face à une force numérique plus importante.
    Tout comme l'on fait nos chers soldats pendant le débarquement ou pendant des missions spécifiques.
    " Vous tiendrez ce pont jusqu’à ce que l'on vous relève " (film le Jour le plus long).
    L'amusement mais aussi la coordination stratégique sont mises en avant.
    Prendrez-vous part à la guerre ?
    3 joueurs affrontent 4 IA extrême ; Choix de carte défini par le maître du jeu : CARTE CARENTAN Cliquer sur le lien ci dessous pour être redirigé sur le groupe steam et pouvoir ajouter la map. Ensuite ajoutez-la dans vos favoris. Vous pouvez également la récupérer directement dans le workshop en faisant une recherche. Si pb nous sommes dispo sur le mumble. 5 minutes de préparation pour mettre en place une stratégie ; Tous les commandants sont autorisés, les bulletins aussi, 2 doublons sont autorisés pas plus ; Les factions doivent être bien respectées, allié ou axe ; (N'oubliez pas de mixer l'équipe IA 2 Ober+ 2 Wer et inversement si vous jouez axe.) La première capture d'écran placée sur le forum sera la seule à compter Un joueur participant à l'event pourra poster une capture d’écran et un replay par faction (axes ou alliés), mais avec la même équipe. tout joueur aperçu sur d'autres captures d'écran que celles de son équipe sera disqualifié et aucune des captures d'écran où ce joueur apparait ne seront prises en compte. CONDITION DE VICTOIRE :
    Vaincre les 4 IA en extrême ou tenir. (MODE ANNIHILATION)
    La limite maximale de temps est fixée à 1h30 pour obtenir la victoire incontestable de l'event.
    Pour valider votre exploit, une capture d'écran (F12) et le replay (sauvegarde de ralenti) seront nécessaires.
    La première qui vous sera demandée est la "Vue d’ensemble" se trouvant dans le deuxième onglet des "Statistiques".
    (Une seule capture de fin de partie vous est demandée. Nul besoin de nous donner celles de tous les joueurs.)

    La deuxième qui vous sera demandée est le replay
    Emplacement des replays sur votre PC:
    C:Users.....Documentsmy gamescompany of heroes 2playback
    ou Documentsmy gamescompany of heroes 2playback
    BONUS :
    Un classement des captures d'écran sera fait et affiché en première page de notre forum ainsi que des autres plateformes.
    A savoir qu'il y aura deux classements différents : 1 pour les Alliés et 1 pour les Axes.
    (maj 01/03/2015)

  • Bref voilà officiellement ce que nous offre Relic pour ceux qui ont participé à l'event Saint-Valentin

    Commandant Wehrmacht - Stratégie d'appui aérien rapproché - Rare

    Commandant Soviétique - Tactiques de guerre avancées - Rare

    Company Of Heroes @companyheroes 17 hil y a 17 heures

    @horraizer we will also be granting last year's commanders from MWNL in
    addition to this years skins! If you don't have those yet, you will!

    [Company Of Heroescompanyheroes 17 hil ya 17 heures @ horraizer
    Nous allons vous octroyer les commandants de l'an dernier, si vous ne les avez pas déjà ils seront à vous]

    on le saura d'ici 48 heures

    Click here to view the article

  • La EZGK est fière de vous annoncer l'ouverture de notre page Facebook ! Elle sera un lien supplémentaire pour accéder plus facilement aux infos essentielles telles que la parution de vidéos et/ou la mise en place d'événements (Twitch, Roulette Russe, Tournoi...etc).

    Venez nombreux nous rejoindre sur cette nouvelle plateforme de la EZGK!

  • Total wars a capitulé !!

    Depuis plusieurs jours , une guerre sans pitié avais été déclaré entre Total wars rome 2 et compagny of heroes 2
    plusieurs batailles on fait rage avec une grande violence, comptant de nombreux mort (de rire) et d'innombrable blesser (dû aux crampe du croupion).
    et a 20H environ , total wars capitulais sur un score de 11win a 13win.
    Pour fêté sa victoire le studio relic nous décerner un dll .
    le contenu reste un mystère , mais les rumeurs vont bon train !!
    Félicitation à la communauté COH2

  • Salut
    Après concertation de nos sages entrainant des débats houleux, nous sommes arrivé, suite à une longue délibération, à un compromis.
    Le staff de CoH France est fière de vous présenter son tag officiel : ★CoH-FR★ tadaaa
    Ce tag aura pour but de montrer votre appartenance à notre communauté et ainsi participer, nous l'espérons, au rassemblement d'encore plus de joueurs passionnés par la série Company of Heroes.
    Grâce à votre soutien, nous espérons pouvoir vous offrir une multitude de parties pour tous niveaux, afin de progresser tout en s'amusant.
    Comme vous le voyez, nous ne nous définissons pas comme une équipe ou un clan mais avant tout comme une communauté.
    Certain ne pourrait y voir qu'une nuance mais nous trouvons important de bien le préciser.
    Nous ne rejetons pas pour autant tout esprit de compétition ou le concept d'équipe.
    Du moment que les règles ci-dessous sont respectées chacun est libre d'organiser ce qu'il souhaite.
    Informez juste un admin, un modo ou la communauté via le forum de ce que vous comptez faire si cela concerne la compagnie.
    Vous comprendrez qu'il nous faut établir ces règles de conduite car en portant ce "badge" vous représentez votre/notre communauté.
    Voici donc les commandements ma/mon fille/fils :
    Tu prendras, autant que possible, du plaisir à jouer, gagner ou perdre, là n'est pas le plus important tant que l'on peut jouer ensemble dans une bonne ambiance. Ça ne veut pas dire qu'il ne pourra pas y avoir un esprit compétitif ou d'équipe. Il faut juste garder en tête que l'essentiel est passer du bon temps ; Tu respecteras ton prochain (alliés ou adversaires), pas de prise de tête ou d'insultes gratuites. Cela n'empêche pas de piquer une crise par moment car le jeu, il faut le dire, nous y incite. Comme l'a dit un certain philosophe inconnu : "Vous allez finir par vous aimez les uns les autres bordel de merde" ; Tu accepteras les remarques et critiques (si elles sont fondées et constructives). Ne vous inquiétez pas, nous ne sommes pas toujours en train de se juger à longueur de parties ; Tu apporteras tes lumières aux brebis égarées ainsi qu'au simple pèlerin cherchant de sages conseils ; Tu essayeras de passer un peu de temps sur le forum et le serveur Mumble (pas forcement pour jouer ; passer un p'tit coucou est aussi sympathique). Nous n'allons pas vérifier le nombre de commentaires que vous ferez ou le nombre d'heures de présence sur le serveur Mumble (nous ne sommes pas la NSA) mais vous impliquer pour faire vivre la communauté est apprécié. Comme on dit : Un forum/Mumble plus vivant donne plus envie d'y passer du temps ; Tu participeras à l'accueil des nouvelles recrues. Nous ne vous demandons pas de faire l'hôtesse d’accueil (il y a un certain modo pour cela) mais juste de présenter la boutique si un bleu se point et de l'inviter dans des parties ; Tu chanteras les louanges de CoH France, à servir chaud et sans spam, aux joueurs français rencontraient désireux de rencontre, plus si affinité ; Tu disposeras d'un microphone, si sur Mumble tu viens, qui nous permettra de profiter de ta voix suave sans entendre la Castafiore en fond sonore ; Tu feras un effort pour parler pendant une partie pour indiquer à tes coéquipiers ta stratégie ainsi que toutes informations bonnes à prendre (mouvement de troupes, mines, ...) ; Car oui, il en fallait bien dix, tu liras et appliqueras ces commandements. Le "port" de ce blason n'est bien sûr nullement obligatoire et nous ne le prendrons pas mal si vous ne voulez pas le porter.
    On vous aimera quand même.
    Rendons à César ce qui est à César, notre p'tit Lismes est à l'initiative de cette idée (et portera donc le lourd fardeau de cette tâche). :P

  • Aujourd'hui commence la "Saint Valentin" sur CoH 2
    ET vi cher amis, à partir du jeudi 12 février et jusqu’au dimanche 15 février, un duel à mort aura lieu entre CoH 2 et Total War Rome 2 avec à la clef un accès à du NOUVEAU CONTENU GRATUIT !!
    OUI !! Vous avez bien lu !! Comment ?! Mais comment ! Que faire ?!
    Et bien rien de plus simple, faites le plus de parties multijoueur durant cette période et plus CoH 2 gagnera de point et ainsi aura de chance de débloquer un superbe DLL pour notre jeu favori !
    Nous n'avons pas plus d'infos sur le contenu, si ce n'est ces fameux STICKERS intercepté en douce par des fans.
    This post has been promoted to an article

  • Anniversaire de la EZGK

    Par Grem_Lismes, dans Blog

    Oyé oyé brave gens, nous relayons ci-dessous un message de la EZGK posté en commentaire sur leur chaine Youtube :

    « C'est la fête à la maison les kikis !

    À l'occasion des 3K abonnés, des fêtes (Noël + Nouvel an) et enfin du 2ème anniversaire de la chaine, nous vous invitons à vous inscrire en nombre sur notre site internet à l'événement roulette russe. On va sélectionner pas mal de joueurs et il y aura des cadeaux à gagner.
    Tout ce qu'il y a à savoir est dans cette vidéo à ceci près qu'on a oublié de parler du FAQ que vous réclamez depuis un moment maintenant. Nous souhaitons vous faire plaisir donc posez vos questions et si elles sont de l'ordre du raisonnable, nous tenterons d'y répondre dans la joie et la bonne humeur.

    Happy 3KanniNoëlannée à toute la KIKIARMY ! »

    Voilà merci à vous pour toutes ces belles vidéos ! :love:

  • Map Rotation Spotlight
    As part of our continued support of community created content, we have incorporated five community maps into the custom game list. Our goal is to incorporate more community created maps in the future, so make sure to submit your work into the Steam Workshop as it may be featured next!

    Custom Game Maps
    Added (2-4) Overgrowth
    Added (2-4) Karelia Summer
    Added (4-6) Lemberg Fall 1944
    Added (6-8) Pinsk Marshes
    Added (6-8) Narva River

    Units and Abilities
    Our intent with changes to units or abilities focuses on broadening the variation in tactics and strategies, while reducing the potential for undesirable or uninteresting gameplay.

    Guard Riflemen DP-28 ‘Button’
    The intent of these changes is to provide the opposing player an opportunity to react and counter the usage of button. Currently, the ability is very one sided, it provides the Soviet player with a quick and easy to execute vehicle snare without much counterplay in-between. By providing the opposing player with a way to react, the counter-play relative to unit positioning is better defined, thus reducing the receiving player’s frustration when the ability is executed.
    Speed reduction from 0.1 to 0.33
    Added rotation reduction of 0.33
    Acceleration from 0.1 to 0.5
    Deceleration from 8 to 2
    Main gun set to active
    Main gun rate of fire set to fire 1.56x slower

    Pack Howitzer
    Shells that fired directly upon their target did so with greater speed and potency, which resulted in a mixture of behavior from the unit. Our intent was to clarify the unit’s performance by making the behavior more predictable to the opposing player, allowing them to properly position and react to the oncoming fire.
    Now uses an arced projectile trajectory; no longer direct fires on target

    Dodge WC51
    Our intent was to delay the dispatch of this unit in an effort to provide the opposing player more time to prepare for light armor.
    Command point cost from 0 to 1

    M20 Utility Car
    Previously, vehicle build time was used as a means of regulating the pacing of the USF’s vehicles. This is no longer required allowing us to reduce their current build times.
    Build time from 60 to 45 seconds

    M5A1 Stuart
    The functionality of Shell Shock was modified in a number of ways to reduce its potency versus medium and heavy vehicles. Previously, the ability afforded the Stuart a great deal of flexibility in what targets it could frontally engage, limiting the need to flank with the unit. The reduced penetration of Shell Shock helps elevate this issue, while still retaining the value of the ability through deflections. Additionally, the Stuart’s build time was reduced as it is no longer required to regulate the pacing of the unit.
    Build time from 75 to 50 seconds
    AOE penetration from 60/30/15 to 30/22.5/20
    Shell shock stun duration from 5 to 3 seconds
    Shell shock ready aim time from 0.125 to 0.25-0.5
    Shell shock AOE penetration from 0 to 30/22.5/20
    Shell shock penetration from 180/100/30 to 60/45/40
    Shell shock turret traverse speed from 100 to 52
    Shell shock scatter modified to match main gun scatter
    Shell shock range distance modifiers set to match main gun range distance

    M8A1 HMC
    Shells that fired directly upon their target did so with greater speed and potency, which resulted in a mixture of behavior from the unit. Our intent was to clarify the unit’s performance by making the behavior more predictable to the opposing player, allowing them to properly position and react to the oncoming fire.
    Now uses an arced projectile trajectory; no longer direct fires on target

    M4A3 Sherman
    Previously, vehicle build time was used as a means of regulating the pacing of the USF’s vehicles. This is no longer required allowing us to reduce their current build times.
    Build time from 75 to 55 seconds

    105mm Sherman
    Modified the main gun behavior such that it functions similar to the M8A1 HMC. The gun will now use an arced shot as opposed to directly firing upon its targets. This enables the unit to fire over certain objects, but also adds a small delay to its time on impact. The added time to impact was an intentional addition which provides the opposing player more room to maneuver and therefore mitigate the damage they take from these potentially squad wiping shots. Since the opposing player now has a means of mitigating the damage, the overall impact of the shell has been increased.
    Now uses an arced projectile trajectory; no longer direct fires on target
    AOE radius from 4.5 to 5.5

    M36 Jackson
    Previously, vehicle build time was used as a means of regulating the pacing of the USF’s vehicles. This is no longer required allowing us to reduce their current build times.
    Build time from 90 to 60 seconds

    M4A3E8 Sherman
    The Easy Eight was previously over performing for its cost, its cost was increased to better reflect its in-game value.
    Manpower cost increased from 380 to 400
    Fuel cost increased from 135 to 145

    Osttruppen have seen a drastic increase in their performance, they are now effective at mid to long ranges.
    Near accuracy from 0.45 to 0.55
    Mid accuracy from 0.4 to 0.52
    Far accuracy from 0.35 to 0.49
    Near aim time modifier from 0.125 to 0.375
    Far aim time modifier from 4 to 3.25
    Near cooldown modifier from 0.125 to 0.25
    Modified cover modifiers to match Grenadier KAR 98
    Accuracy cover bonus from 2 to 3
    Added a received accuracy modifier of 1.25

    Panzer Grenadiers
    We wanted to better establish the mid-range role of this unit. We lowered its short range damage output and increased its mid range performance. Additionally, we further increased its durability to reduce damage received on approach.
    Received accuracy modifier from 0.87 to 0.8
    Near accuracy from 0.56 to 0.5
    Near range distance from 8 to 5
    Mid range distance from 16 to 19

    Modified the main gun behavior such that it functions similar to the M8A1 HMC. The gun will now use an arced shot as opposed to directly firing upon its targets. This enables the unit to fire over certain objects, but also adds a small delay to its time on impact. The added time to impact was an intentional addition which provides the opposing player more room to maneuver and therefore mitigate the damage they take from these potentially squad wiping shots. Since the opposing player now has a means of mitigating the damage, the overall impact of the shell has been increased.
    Now uses an arced projectile trajectory; no longer direct fires on target
    AOE radius from 5 to 6
    Angle scatter from 7.5 to 6
    Distance scatter max from 4 to 2.5
    Armor from 210 to 260
    Target Weak Point replaced with Bunker Busting Barrage

    Teller Mines
    This removes the possibility of the mine instantly destroying the M36 or M10, something we viewed as undesirable and overly frustrating to the opposing player.
    Damage from 500 to 400
    Cost from 60 to 50 ammunition

    Riegel AT mine
    We lowered the damage of the Riegel AT mine to maintain the differences in behavior relative to the Teller.
    Damage from 400 to 320
    Cost from 60 to 50 ammunition

    Luftwaffe Medical Supplies
    No longer provides healing during combat; resumes healing once squad is out of combat
    Removed bonus damage and armor modifiers
    Added received accuracy modifier of 0.87
    Added accuracy modifier of 1.15

    The previous update increased the suppression of the MG34 to a level slightly higher than the MG42. Our intent with this change is to positon the MG34 slightly below the MG42, in regards to both damage output and suppression.
    Near accuracy from 0.6 to 0.68
    Rate of fire from 14 to 12
    Rate of fire far modifier from 1 to 0.9
    Focus fire from true to false
    Reload duration from 8 to 6
    Setup duration from 2 to 3 seconds
    Nearby suppression radius from 12 to 11.5
    Suppression from 0.0159 to 0.012

    le.IG 18 Infantry Support Gun
    Shells that fired directly upon their target did so with greater speed and potency, which resulted in a mixture of behavior from the unit. Our intent was to clarify the unit’s performance by making the behavior more predictable to the opposing player, allowing them to properly position and react to the oncoming fire.
    Now uses an arced projectile trajectory; no longer direct fires on target

    Sturmpioneer Medical Supplies
    No longer enables healing during combat

    Jaeger Light Infantry
    We wanted to better define the role of the Jaeger Light Infantry as a recon unit while improving its provided utility to the player. The single G43 rifle enables the squad to ‘snipe’ enemy infantry, performing effectively at long range. Combined with its above average sight range, ability to spawn behind enemy lines, and booby trap ability, this squad enables the player to harass the opposing players infantry and economy.
    Squad no longer fully equipped with the G43 rifle; base rifle switched to KAR 98
    Squad now equipped with one G43 sniper rifle; instantly kill entities at or below 75% health on hit
    Added ‘Infiltration Tactics Grenade’ ability to the squad
    Manpower cost from 340 to 300

    We converted the unit’s armor into received accuracy, as received accuracy blends in better with the current structure of infantry combat. Units can negate the received accuracy through veterancy and positioning; whereas, armor is only negated through penetration which heavy weapons possess. Additionally, the damage of the KAR 98 was increased to offset the damage reduction on the LMG34.
    KAR 98 damage from 14 to 16
    Armor from 1.25 to 1
    Received accuracy modifier from 0.87 to 0.7

    This change is geared towards improving the suppressive performance of the Kubelwagen versus larger groups of units. Previously, it was too easily overwhelmed and therefore failed to function as a reliable suppression platform. The unit still retains its vulnerability to flanking and anti-tank weaponry, requiring the user to be mindful of its limited firing arc and position.
    Population cost from 4 to 6
    Mid accuracy from 0.55 to 0.5
    Far accuracy from 0.35 to 0.16
    Rate of fire from 8 to 12
    Moving accuracy from 0.5 to 0.75
    Moving burst multiplier from 0.1 to 0.5
    Moving cooldown multiplier from 0.125 to 0.25
    Range from 35 to 40
    Mid range distance from 20 to 25
    Far range distance from 35 to 40
    Nearby suppression multiplier from 0.6 to 0.75
    Nearby suppression radius from 10 to 12
    Suppression from 0.008 to 0.0053
    Firing arc from 45 degrees to 30 degrees

    251 Flak Half-track
    This unit suffered from extremely low life expectancy due to its unresponsiveness when engaged by a threat. By removing the tear down, the unit is less likely to be destroyed by an advancing threat. However, the increased setup time prevents the player from using this unit in an overly aggressive manner, reinforcing its design as a defensive platform.
    Setup time from 3 to 4 seconds
    Tear down time from 2 to 0 seconds

    Panther Variants
    The Panther currently under performs within the current meta. We attribute this largely to the addition of new counters, such as the M36, as well as the high research cost associated to unlocking this unit. Overall, the unit did not feel like a reliable counter to medium armor. We believed this to be a result of its low accuracy and durability. Our intent is to reposition the Panther as an effective counter to medium and heavy vehicles. It should be a dominating force when engaging in a frontal assault, but remain vulnerable when flanked from the rear.
    Frontal armor from 290 to 320
    OKW Panther accuracy from 0.025/0.0375/0.05 to 0.035/0.045/0.06
    Wehrmacht Panther accuracy from 0.025/0.0375/0.05 to 0.03/0.045/0.06

    The Sturmtiger previously suffered from a number of usability issues related to its ability to hit its target. The shell tended to collide prematurely with world objects resulting in an unintended ignition of the ammunition. By modifying the shell to ignore shot blocking and pierce, these occurrences will no longer occur. However, this has resulted in an improvement to the unit’s efficiency and utility, as it can now be used to fire through anything within the world.
    Now ignores shot blocking
    Now pierces through world objects
    Barrage can no longer be used on a specific target; it will only take a position within the world. This prevents it from homing in on a selected unit.
    Barrage range from 45 to 40

    Increased the projectile speed of the main gun to improve the visuals and responsiveness

    Off-maps and Loiters
    Off-maps with the loiter functionality will now display their activation zone, illustrating potential dangers on the battle field.

    Loiter Abilities
    Now display an in-game reticle which reveals the engagement zone of the plane

    P47 Rocket Strafe
    We added a second P47 Thunderbolt to reduce the extremes this off-map tended to produce. Previously, it was either fairly effective or would completely miss its target. This change makes the off-map feel more consistent in terms of damage output while also providing the opposing player the opportunity to react before losing a unit.
    Now dispatches two P47 Thunderbolts
    Second plane dispatched 4 seconds after first
    Damage from 160 to 80
    Plane attack delay from 5 to 8 seconds
    Number of attacks per plane from 2 to 3
    Time range between planes maximum from 10 to 4
    Recharge time from 60 to 120 seconds

    Stuka Suppression Run
    The recharge timer was significantly increased to prevent the player from pinning the opposing player into their base. Additionally, the cost was increased to better reflect the value of this ability.
    Recharge duration from 93 to 180 seconds
    Cost from 120 to 150 ammunition

    USF 155mm Howitzer Off-map
    This change prevents the destruction of a full health OKW base structure.
    Shells fired from 15 to 12
    Damage from 130 to 120

    OKW 105mm Howitzer Off-map
    Adjusted the performance of this ability so it no longer destroys the USF base when used at maximum potency. Also reduced the length of time it can deny an area by reducing the total shell count and activation time of each salvo in the barrage.
    Increased required ammunition for each additional salvo by 200
    Reduced the number of shells fired from each additional salvo from 15 to 5
    Barrage radius now tightens as it progresses to each new tier
    Ability no longer triggers if ammunition requirement is met at a later point in the game

    Prioritize Vehicles
    We have created a new ability similar to hold fire which enables the user to restrict main gun fire based on target type. For example, an Elefant with priority targeting activated would no longer fire on infantry; instead, the unit would only engage vehicles. This greatly enhances the usability of a unit by restricting unwanted vehicle rotation and enhancing weapon efficiency.

    Prioritize Vehicles
    Added a new ability on anti-tank units which only restricts fire against non-vehicle targets. This should greatly improve the usability of these units as they will now only fire on vehicles when set to this restricted firing state.

    Hand Held AT
    Our intent is to reduce the accuracy of hand held AT versus infantry, reducing the number of killing blows it is capable of dealing. Additionally, we want to put a greater emphasis on positioning the squad as close as possible to the opposing armored unit; discouraging the use of these weapon types at max range.

    M9 Bazooka
    Accuracy reduced from 0.03/0.0425/0.055 to 0.025/0.0375/0.05
    Weapon scatter increased as it was previously too tight, resulting in frequently missed shots resulting in a hit versus armored targets. The increased scatter also reduces the likelihood of a shot hitting a stationary squad.
    Angle scatter from 7.5 to 18
    Distance scatter max from 10 to 14

    Weapon scatter increased as it was previously too tight, resulting in frequently missed shots resulting in a hit versus armored targets. The increased scatter also reduces the likelihood of a shot hitting a stationary squad.
    Angle scatter from 7.5 to 16
    Distance scatter max from 10 to 15

    Weapon Priority Tuning
    Weapon priority determines what target is automatically engaged when a unit is not given an explicit attack order. We have modified the values of each weapon such that it more intuitively engages targets of interest relative to its effectiveness.

    Modified Units
    StuG III E
    StuG III G
    Panzer IV
    Panzer IV Command
    222 Scout Car
    M4C Sherman

    Unit Weapon Priority Modifications
    This increases the perceived value of these units, increasing the likelihood they will be automatically targeted by another unit.

    Suggested Target
    Explicit user orders will now always be executed so long as sight is maintained and no shot blocker is present to prevent the shot from being fired.
    Suggested target weapon priority set to 1000

    Infantry Combat Tuning
    The intent of these changes is to better define the strengths and weaknesses of each core unit relative to one another. We wanted to better define how each core unit should engage their perspective targets. For example, in a Grenadier vs. Riflemen match up, the Grenadiers want to maintain range. This is now a valid tactic, where in the past it was not. An integral element to this iteration is the introduction of received accuracy in place of raw damage. This was used in instances where additional fire power was not necessary in maintaining the established unit relationships. For example, Grenadier long range fire power is high enough to establish the unit’s relative relationship with other units, allowing us to increase their durability instead. As a by-product of this shift, short and mid range units should have an easier time closing in on their target.

    LMG Weapon Profiles
    We adjusted the LMG profile by scaling its damage output down. We found that the value of long range damage, which the LMG was designed around, was more valuable than we had previously anticipated. In addition to scaling the weapon down, we lowered the damage output at short and mid ranges to make the unit more vulnerable to other units that excel at these ranges.

    Near accuracy from 0.62 to 0.56
    Mid accuracy from 0.5 to 0.45
    Far accuracy from 0.44 to 0.39
    Near rate of fire modifier from 1 to 0.82
    [*]Weapon Rack M1919

    Near accuracy from 0.64 to 0.57
    Mid accuracy from 0.52 to 0.47
    Far accuracy from 0.47 to 0.42
    Near rate of fire modifier from 1 to 0.82
    Suppression from 0.004 to 0
    [*]Paratrooper M1919

    Near accuracy from 0.6 to 0.53
    Mid accuracy from 0.48 to 0.43
    Far accuracy from 0.43 to 0.38
    Near rate of fire modifier from 1 to 0.82
    Suppression from 0.006 to 0
    [*]Grenadier LMG42

    Near accuracy from 0.56 to 0.5
    Mid accuracy from 0.44 to 0.39
    Far accuracy from 0.38 to 0.33
    Near rate of fire modifier from 1 to 0.82
    [*]Obersoldaten MG34

    Near accuracy from 0.57 to 0.51
    Mid accuracy from 0.45 to 0.4
    Far accuracy from 0.39 to 0.34
    Near rate of fire modifier from 1 to 0.82

    Browning Assault Rifle
    Damage output was reduced at long range to reinforce this weapon’s short to mid range role. Previously, equipping the BAR enabled Riflemen to excel at long range relative to other infantry, reducing the importance of positioning when using this weapon upgrade.
    Near accuracy from 0.65 to 0.56
    Mid accuracy from 0.5 to 0.44
    Far accuracy from 0.35 to 0.3
    Mid rate of fire modifier from 1.16 to 1
    Far rate of fire modifier from 1.33 to 1
    Mid cooldown modifier from 1 to 1.25
    Far cooldown modifier from 1.25 to 1.5

    SMG Weapon Profile
    We found that effective use of a SMG weapon required the user to fire at near point blank ranges. This increased the difficulty in properly executing this weapon against opposing units. By modifying the weapon’s range distance, we are able to ease this requirement therefore improving usability. Consequently, the performance of the listed SMG weapons has been improved.

    Partisan PPSH
    Moving accuracy from 0.6 to 0.7
    [*]Wehrmacht Weapon Crews MP40

    Range distance near from 8 to 10
    Range distance mid from 15 to 17
    [*]Captain Thompson

    Range distance near from 8 to 10
    Range distance mid from 16 to 19
    [*]Conscript PPSH

    Moving accuracy from 0.8 to 0.75
    [*]Assault Grenadier MP40

    Range distance near from 8 to 10
    Range distance mid from 16 to 17
    [*]Assault Engineer M3

    Range distance near from 8 to 10
    Range distance mid from 14 to 18
    Moving accuracy from 0.6 to 0.75
    Rate of fire near modifier from 0.7777 to 1
    Rate of fire far modifier from 1 to 0.7777
    [*]USF Weapon Crews M3

    Range distance near from 8 to 10
    Range distance mid from 14 to 18
    [*]Paratrooper Thompson

    Range distance near from 8 to 10
    Range distance mid from 16 to 19

    Intended to excel at long range

    Highest long range damage output for its tier
    Abilities load out geared towards long range combat
    [*]Vulnerable at short range to all other unit types
    [*]Versus Conscripts

    Advantaged at long ranges
    Even at mid ranges
    Disadvantaged at short ranges
    [*]Versus Riflemen

    Slightly disadvantaged at long ranges
    Disadvantaged at mid ranges
    Disadvantaged at short ranges

    Near accuracy from 0.7 to 0.65
    Mid accuracy from 0.65 to 0.575
    Far accuracy from 0.6 to 0.52
    Far aim time multiplier from 4 to 3.25
    Near cooldown modifier from 0.125 to 0.25
    Added a received accuracy modifier of 0.91

    Performs moderately well at long range combat
    Extremely vulnerable at short range, moderately vulnerable at mid-range
    Versus Riflemen

    Disadvantaged at long ranges
    Extremely disadvantaged at short-mid ranges
    [*]Versus Conscripts

    Advantaged at long ranges
    Disadvantaged at mid ranges
    Disadvantaged at short ranges

    Mid accuracy from 0.6 to 0.62
    Far accuracy from 0.55 to 0.59
    Moving cooldown from 1 to 1.5

    Excels at short-mid ranges
    Vulnerable at long ranges
    Versus Riflemen

    Disadvantaged at long ranges
    Advantaged at mid ranges
    Advantaged at short ranges
    [*]Versus Conscripts

    Disadvantaged at long ranges
    Advantaged at mid ranges
    Advantaged at short ranges

    Added a received accuracy modifier of 0.87
    Near range distance from 8 to 3
    Mid range distance from 16 to 15
    Far mid distance from 35 to 28

    Performs modestly at mid to short range, does not excel at any range

    Ability load out geared towards short-mid
    [*]Vulnerable to long range units
    [*]Versus Grenadiers

    Disadvantaged at long ranges
    Even at mid ranges
    Advantaged at short ranges
    [*]Versus Sturmpioneers

    Advantaged at long ranges
    Disadvantaged at mid ranges
    Disadvantaged at short ranges

    Near accuracy from 0.45 to 0.47
    Mid accuracy from 0.39 to 0.43
    Far accuracy from 0.3 to 0.29
    Near range distance from 4 to 0
    Mid range distance from 20 to 25
    Added a received accuracy modifier of 1.087

    Performs moderately at all ranges; excels against other rifled units at short-mid
    Vulnerable at long ranges
    Versus Grenadiers

    Slightly advantaged at long ranges
    Advantaged at mid ranges
    Advantaged at short ranges
    [*]Versus Sturmpioneers

    Advantaged at long ranges
    Disadvantaged at mid ranges
    Disadvantaged at short ranges

    Near accuracy from 0.6 to 0.62
    Mid accuracy from 0.55 to 0.58
    Far accuracy from 0.5 to 0.45
    Near range distance from 6 to 3
    Far cooldown modifier from 1 to 1.25
    Added a received accuracy modifier of 0.97
    Build time from 25 to 28 seconds

    Bug and Gameplay Fixes

    Reload time set to correct value, was unintentionally lowered when the KV-1 was modified
    Reload time from 5.2-5.8 to 6.2-6.8 seconds

    53K 45mm AT Gun
    Target size from 1 to 16; this increases the likelihood of the gun itself being hit when decrewed and manually targeted.

    Barrage Abilities
    Fixed an issue which caused the main gun to become disabled if the unit’s barrage ability was interrupted before completion. e.g. M8A1 HMC.
    Resolved an issue which allowed players to subvert the recharge timer if they canceled the barrage at a certain point in its animation. e.g. B4 Howitzer Barrage

    Ability Refunds
    Interrupted or canceled abilities now properly refund the cost and reset the cooldown timer of the ability.

    Salvage can no longer be activated on a team weapon which is in the process of being recrewed

    Reduced sim side delay when a squad is attempting to recrew a weapon; recrewing should occur 0.25 seconds quicker as a result.

    Major ‘Establish a Treat Point’ Ability
    No longer allows the major to recrew an abandoned vehicle

    Resolved a number of gameplay issues related to heavy machine guns. This includes issues with selection, positioning, and retreating.

    Unit Speech
    Resolves a number of issues related to unit speech or missing speech

    Vehicles will now be better at driving through narrow passages, they will be less likely to get stuck
    Vehicles will now be less likely to enter a tight spot, thereby reducing the occurrences of on-the-spot pivots
    Improved the way three point turns are executed
    Improved the way vehicles respond to facing orders

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