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Company of Heroes France

[Actu][Nouvelle] Winter Balance Preview Mod - Version 1.2

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Mise à jour du Winter Balance Preview Mod en version 1.2.

Version 1.2 changes

Heavy Tanks

Tiger - All variants

  • AOE damage from 1/0.25/0.15 to 0.75/0.25/0.15
  • AOE distance from 0.25/1.5/3 to 0/1/3
  • Panzer Commander removed from the OKW Tiger
  • Veterancy 2 scatter bonus removed


  • AOE damage from 1/0.35/0.175 to 0.75/0.35/0.175
  • AOE distance from 0/1.35/3 to 0/0.85/3

Churchill Crocodile

  • CP requirement from 9 to 12


Airlanding Officer

  • Reinforce cost from 35 to 30
  • Veterancy 3 received accuracy from -23% to -15%
  • Elite Sten accuracy from 0.675/0.273/0.115 to 0.675/0.375/0.115
  • Self-Healing at veterancy 2 removed
  • Population from 9 to 8


  • Auto Search Healing toggle now roots the squad to the target position.

Commando and HQ Glider

  • Can now be repaired.

HQ Glider

  • Cost reduced to 200
  • No longer deploy Commandos upon landing
  • Can now train MGs and ATGs that will spawn at the glider.

British M5

  • CP requirement from 2 to 3

Assault Section

  • Veterancy 3 weapon accuracy from +40% to +30%.

Tank Hunter Tommies

  • Can now replace their Boys AT Rifles with PIATs for 70 munitions.
  • PIAT upgrade removes the out-of-cover penalty to cooldown and reload.

British Platoon and Company Command

  • Now grants half a CP upon completion.



  • Tech requirement removed
  • Requires 5 CPs to be unlocked from the HQ; still has a build time.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Airlanding Officer could not enter buildings.

Source : https://community.companyofheroes.com/discussion/comment/287429#Comment_287429


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    • Oh merci, franchement je n'étais pas venue pour ça, mais bangeur, ça va m'être utile mrc bcp frérot
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