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Company of Heroes France

Fall Balance Preview

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La Fall Balance Preview 1.0 est disponible sur le steam workshop. Il s'agit pour rappel d'un mode de jeu officiel de Relic développé en coopération avec des personnes de la communauté (Mr. Smith, Miragefla, SoE-Sturmpanther, Bene, Lieutenant et Shatterhand). Une fois le développement arrivé à son terme (l'automne finit le jeudi 21 décembre 2017), le mod sera passé en mise à jour.

Grande première Relic s'attaque enfin à l'équilibrage des modes de jeu 3v3 et 4v4. Plus précisément sur le fonctionnement des antiaériens, des unités appelées hors-carte (call-in) et des points de retraite avancés (FRP - Forward Retreat Points) qui influent beaucoup sur ces modes de jeu sans oublier un équilibrage concernant les unités dominant la meta (comme la Dshka) et des corrections de bogues.


We are excited to announce that our Community Curated Balance Programis back! Similar to the Winter Balance Preview and Grand Championships Balance Preview, we will be working together with a group of community balance modders to test a series of focused balance changes with the community. If the proposed changes improve strategic diversity, reduce frustrating gameplay, and receive a high approval rating from the community, they will be eligible for curation into automatch. Similar to previous curated balance changes, this will be an iterative process that will span multiple months of playtesting, feedback, review and iteration. As stated in the name, the changes proposed below are meant to act as a preview of the potential balance changes to come with the final version of the changes intended for a Fall 2017 release. A huge thank you goes out to community members, Mr. Smith, Miragefla, SoE-Sturmpanther, Bene, Lieutenant, and Shatterhand for their work and contribution thus far.

The primary focus (or Scope) for this set of balance changes is on Team Game balance (primarily that of 3v3 & 4v4). Therefore, the proposed changes outlined below have been curated from players in the community with team game oriented knowledge and expertise to identify and potentially address any key, re-occurring concerns in these match types. The prioritized scope for the team game related balance changes has been focused around Tank Destroyers & On-Map Artillery.

A secondary goal for the Fall Balance Preview mod will be to test some fundamental changes to how Anti-Air, Call-in Units & Forward Retreat Points work in-game. These changes will require thorough testing and high community approval ratings to move beyond being tested in the mod to being playable in automatch and thus, may not be part of the Fall 2017 release.

Lastly, the scope has been expanded to include some slight adjustments to a few units currently causing dominate meta, such as the Dshka HMG team. As always, the balance preview will also include a number of Quality of Life changes as well as bug fixes.

Subscribe to the Fall Balance Preview on the Steam Workshop.

DISCLAIMER - The changes outlined below are NOT FINAL and are intended for extensive public / community testing. Please provide all relevant feedback to the Fall Balance Preview Feedback thread in the Balance section of the forums



We have adjusted the way anti-air RNG works to ensure AA units can bring down aircrafts at a more consistent and predictable rate. As a result, aircrafts will no longer have the chance of being immediately destroyed upon entering the battlefield.
• All non-cargo planes have 240 health and 35 armour. 
• Cargo planes have 300 health and 35 armour.
• Planes that could not be attacked such as paradrop planes are still immune to AA.
• Death critical on deflection removed from all AA weapons.


Half-tracks are being given slightly more utility by allowing them to transport the majority of weapon teams. Note that weapon teams will not fire their crewed weapons out of open-topped half-tracks.
• All half-tracks can now carry mortars, HMGs and Raketenwerfers

Blitzkrieg/Overdrive/War Speed/Step On It

These movement boost abilities will now cease when the vehicle receives an engine critical. 
• The effects of speed boost abilities now becomes cancelled (without refund) if the vehicle receives any type of engine damage.
• This affects all similar speed-boost type of abilities for all factions

Forward Retreat Points (FRP)

Forward Retreat Points are being modified to act as a mid-late game. These changes aim to bring the UKF & OKW in-line with the USF (i.e. requires the Major to access FRP) and limit players from digging in too early before counters such as light vehicles & AOE are available, particularly in team games.
UKF FRP requires Company Command Post.
OKW FRP requires either a Mechanized or Schwerer Panzer Headquarters established.
OKW Battlegroup unable to reinforce if cut-off from friendly territory.
• 60 second cooldown between toggles.
• 40 second delay after the FRP is triggered or turned off before the changes take effect.


A major goal for the Fall Balance Preview mod will be test some changes made to how call-ins work, primarily focused around call-in units.

The changes proposed will either lock the call-in unit to tech, increase its call-in cooldown duration or in most cases, give the call-in unit an inflated pre-tech cost, which will be reduced to normal levels once the unit’s corresponding tech has been achieved. 
The intent behind these changes is to make choosing call-in units more meaningful, a choice that is dependent on the course of a match rather than a guaranteed, pre-ordained decision. This will also help prevent some of the call-in spam we are seeing from some strategies, making losing one of these units more impactful.

The following call-in units have been adjusted to reflect the changes mentioned above:
• IS-2 (Price Premium)
• KV-1 (Price Premium)
• KV-2 (Price Premium)
• ISU-152 (Price Premium)
• KV-8 (Price Premium)
• M4C (Tied to Tech) 
• Tiger (Price Premium)
• Elephant (Price Premium)
• Command Panzer IV (Price Premium)
• Pershing (Price Premium)
• M10 (Price Premium)
• Sherman Bulldozer (Price Premium)
• Priest/Calliope (Price Premium)
• Ostwind (Price Premium)
• Command Panther (Price Premium)
• Jagdtiger (Price Premium)
• Flammpanzer 38 ‘Hetzer’ (Price Premium)
• Sturmtiger (Price Premium)
• Crocodile (Price Premium)
• AVRE (Price Premium)



Due to the relatively low price of the M10, the unit has received a higher mark-up in manpower when the Major has not been deployed.

AP shells have had their ready-aim time reduced to fix their responsiveness when switching targets.
• Call-In cost without Major tech: 450/115.
• AP shell Ready-Aim Time from 2.25 to 0.125.

M4 Sherman Dozer

With the increased price to call-ins without the appropriate tech, the Dozer has received a number of changes to improve its effectiveness. Veterancy has been modified to be more in-line with anti-infantry breakthrough tanks and the vehicle’s AT performance is now closer to that of the Brummbar rather than the HE Sherman.
• Call-In cost without Major tech: 500/175
• Penetration from 30 to 50
• Added 50% deflection damage
• Moving scatter set to 1.5 from 2
• CP from 10 to 11
Veterancy Changes
• Veterancy 2 now provides 160 health and +5 range.
• Veterancy 3 +35% horizontal traverse moved to veterancy 2.
• Veterancy 2 mobility boosts moved to veterancy 3.
• Veterancy requirements set from 2160/4320/8640 to 1950/3900/7800

M26 Pershing

The M26 has received a slight change to its HVAP rounds to slightly lower its capability of being able to ‘double-shot’ in addition to the changes to call-ins.
• Call-In cost without Major tech: 750/290
• HVAP ready-aim time from 0.5 to 2.5

M7B1 Priest

The Priest has received a change to reduce its ability to be massed in team games through the use of de-crewing. In return, the unit has received a slight reduction in population while its AOE has been modified to be more in-line with other howitzers.
• Call-In cost without Major tech: 600/145
• Mid AOE from 0.15 to 0.28
• Creeping Barrage weapon now shares the same stats as the standard barrage weapon.
• Population from 16 to 15.
• Can no longer be decrewed.

M4 Sherman Calliope

The Calliope has had its population increased to match other artillery units while its ability to alpha-strike soft targets has been significantly decreased. This change puts the Calliope in the role as an area denial weapon due to the increase delay in rockets. Furthermore its durability has been reduced to make the unit more vulnerable to attacks. Regardless, it still has the most health and armour of any artillery unit.
• Call-In cost without Major tech: 480/180
• Popcap from 12 to 15
• Near AOE distance from 1.5 to 0.5
• Removed Reload Frequency from 9 to 0.
• Cooldown from 0 to 0.3 
• Health from 640 to 480

M36 ‘Jackson’ Tank Destroyer

To push the M36 into the role of heavy tank hunter, we have increased the unit’s health and accuracy to better allow the unit to be more aggressive when assaulting hostile tanks, but have slightly reduced the range and increased the cost to compensate. 
• Health from 480 to 600
• Accuracy from 0.06/0.045/0.03 to 0.06/0.05/0.04
• Fixed an issue where HVAP Rounds were unresponsive when switching targets
• Range from 60 to 55
• Cost from 350/125 to 400/145

M15 AA Half-Track

The AA half-track has received reduced damage against aircraft when using its machine guns to compensate for its three AA guns. The 37mm has been unchanged.
• Machine Guns: 200% penetration, 50% damage versus aircraft.

M2HB Mounts

• 20 penetration versus aircraft. 0.5 damage vs aircraft.

M4 Smoke Launchers

Previously smoke deployed from a Sherman did not scatter. This made the multiple shells redundant. The change will allow the smoke to blanket a larger area and also be useful for covering an advance into an area that has yet to be scouted.
• FOW scatter multiplier from 1 to 1.25
• Scatter max distance from 1.5 to 8

Captain and Lieutenant

We have standardized all the models in the Lieutenant and Captain squad to ensure the player only pays a single price for reinforcing both the officer and regular infantry models. As a result their price has also been slightly decreased, but non-officer squad members are now slightly more expensive to reinforce.
• Squad costs to 280. Reinforce for every members now standardized to 28.


Like the Lieutenant and Captain, we have standardized the cost of the whole squad to a single reinforce value. The Major’s price remains the same.
• Reinforce for every member now standardized to 25


M4A2 Sherman Firefly

We are lowering the accuracy of the Firefly to be on-par with other tank destroyers and reducing its moving accuracy to be in-line with its role as an anti-armour hunter.

Tulips have also been modified, mainly for team games, to prevent devastating alpha strikes. The rockets will no longer completely stop a tank’s movement to prevent them from cancelling a player’s movement commands.
• 17 pounder accuracy from 0.08/0.07/0.05 to 0.055/0.045/0.4
• Moving accuracy from 0.75 to 0.5
• Tulips no longer cancels move commands upon stun.

17 Pounder ATG Nest

The population of the 17 Pounder has been adjusted to better reflect its value and match its counterpart, the Pak 43.
• Population from 20 to 14.

Mortar Pit

The mortar pit is being adjusted to be less powerful and unable to cover such a large area on its own. To compensate for these adjustments, the unit will be cheaper to give the British faction more readily access to indirect-fire and smoke.

Basic changes
• The mortar pit now spawns with a single mortar.
• Cost reduced from 400MP to 240MP.
• Population from 8 to 6.
• Health from 700 to 600.
• Armor from 5 to 2

Advanced Mortar Pit Upgrade
• The pit can upgrade a second mortar for 160 MP. This increases the unit’s population by 3.
• Upgrade increases armor by 3 and health by 100. Reduces the cooldown of all barrages by 33%

Auto-Fire and HE Barrage
• Autofire range reduced from 120 to 85
• HE barrage range reduced from 150 to 120
• HE Barrage cooldown reduced from 75 secs to 60 secs

Smoke Barrage
• Smoke Barrage range from 120 to 150
• Smoke Barrage range available from the start and on a separate cooldown from HE barrage
• Only one mortar will engage in smoke barrages

• Veterancy requirement from 480/960/1920 to 960/1920/3840.
• Veterancy 1: Smoke barrage unlock to -15% Smoke Barrage cooldown


The Bofors has had its AOE profile adjusted to be more effective against garrisons to match other autocannons. 
• Max weapon elevation from 75 to 90.
• 40mm unchanged against aircraft.
• Garrison damage from 0.25 to 0.35. 
• Garrison accuracy from 0.4 to 0.5.
• Far AOE from 1 to 0.05.
• Damage all in hold from False to True.

Centaur AA Tank

We have modified the Centaur’s AA profile to make it more effective as an AA unit. Furthermore we are increasing the unit’s power versus garrisons by allowing it to apply AOE to multiple members in a squad. The unit’s performance against infantry in heavy cover has also been fixed where it previously only received an accuracy penalty.
• 115% Damage vs aircraft.
• Heavy cover damage from 1 to 0.5.
• Light cover accuracy from 1 to 0.5.
• Garrison damage from 0.5 to 0.35.
• Garrison accuracy from 0.4 to 0.5.
• Damage to all in hold set to True.
• Far AOE from 1 to 0.05.

Churchill Crocodile

The Crocodile’s flamethrower damage is being toned down to match other flamethrowers. Previously the unit had a second ‘hidden’ flamethrower attached to its profile that caused it to deal more far damage than other flamethrower tanks.
• Call-in cost without Hammer or Anvil research: 800/290
• Second “hidden” Flamethrower weapon removed.
• Flamethrower damage from 10 to 12.
• Burst duration from 1/2 to 3.
• Flamethrower minimum range removed.
• Main turret now receives attack orders.

Churchill AVRE

• Call-in cost without Hammer or Anvil research: 750/175

Raid Operation

Raid Operation’s cost has been adjusted to closer match its value.
• Affected vehicles now capture and de-capture points at normal speeds rather than at higher than usual values.
• It is no longer possible for pinned squads to capture sectors.



The Ostwind has had its damage increased against aircraft as part of the AA rework. It should now destroy most planes in four rounds at veterancy 0 and three rounds at veterancy 2.

The Ostwind has also had its minimum range removed to match all other AI tanks and its projectile will no longer collide with terrain/landscape to improve its AI performance on rough ground.

• Minimum range removed.
• 150% Damage versus aircraft. 200% damage versus aircraft at veterancy 2.
• Projectile no longer collides with landscape or terrain.
• Changes also affect OKW Ostwind.

MG-42 Mounts
• 15x penetration versus aircraft. 50% damage vs aircraft.


The Elefant has received a damage reduction to reduce the unit’s effectiveness against medium tanks and tank destroyers. Previously, units like the Elefant were found to be too dominant in team games thanks to their ability to shutdown all forms of Allied armour while remaining relatively population efficient.
• Call-in cost without Battlephase 3: 900/310.
• Damage from 320 to 280.
• Population from 20 to 23.


The Tiger is receiving a mobility and speed boost to better reflect the Tiger’s position between the more armoured IS-2 and the faster Pershing. Note these changes do not affect the Tiger Ace.
• Call-in cost without Battlephase 3: 800/290.
• Speed from 4.7 to 5.4.
• Acceleration from 1.5 to 1.8.
• Deceleration from 1.8 to 2.

Command Panzer IV

• Call-in cost without Battlephase 3 or Support Armor Korps: 450/160.


The StuG-G’s Target Weak Point is being moved in-line with units like the Puma. Previously the ability lasted for too long, disabling a targeted vehicle for the majority of the fight. The ability will now need to be used in conjunction with other assets.

The Target Weak Point ability has received certain QoL changes that will allow the Stug to aim and fire the ability while moving.
• Population from 8 to 10.
• Target Weak Point duration from 15 to 5.
• Target Weak Point damage from 160 to 80.
• Target Weak Point now Blinds the target in addition to disabling the target’s weapons.
• Target Weak Point will always penetrate.


The StuG-E is losing its TWP ability. To push the unit towards its general anti-infantry role, it is gaining a pintle machine gun to help defend itself against infantry trying to close the distance.
• Veterancy 1 ability from TWP to free pintle machine gun (same MG as the StuG-G).


• Cost changed from 600MP to 400MP/50FU.


Suppression is being removed from the Panzerwerfer. This unit could destroy infantry far too easily due to the fact players would lose control of their troops when the barrage landed.
• Suppression removed from rockets.

Stuka Dive Bomb

The Stuka has received a cost increase and removal of its instant death critical against infantry to better reflect its pin-point accuracy, lack of flare warning and large AOE radius.
• Increase AoE damage multiplier from 1/0.35/0.05 to 1/0.35/0.08.
• Increased cost to 200.
• Will no longer instantly kill infantry within its AOE radius. Previously it could instant kill any infantry model up to 15 in-game meters.


251 Flak Half-Track

The unit will now be able to better track approaching aircraft passing overhead. Previously a 251 could fail to fire if aircraft flew right above the half-track.
• 200% increased damage versus aircraft.
• Max weapon elevation from 45 to 90.

Le.ig 18

The changes outlined below increase the unit’s micro requirements, but will now perform more effectively versus fortified position. The unit has also gained smoke barrage to assist the OKW with providing cover and flanking the enemy.
• Auto-fire range from 100 max, 40 min to 70 max, 30 min
• Barrage range from 100 max, 40 min to 85 max, 25 min
• Now has access to Smoke Barrage ability - fires four rounds at the target area.
• AOE Radius from 3 to 3.5.
• AOE distance from 0.75/1.5/2.25 to 0.75/1.75/3.
• Max scatter from 5 to 7 (all attacks)
• Angle Scatter from 6 to 6.75
• Auto-fire reload from 6.5-7.1 to 4.25
• Firing cone from 20 to 5
• Weapon horizontal speed from 3 to 8.
• Cost from 330 to 280
• Penetration from 75 to 35
• Population from 9 to 8
Veterancy Changes
• Veterancy 1 range boost replaced by Hollow Charge Shot. This ability is an direct-fire targeted anti-vehicle attack that deals 120 damage and has 200 penetration. Costs 15 munitions.
• Veterancy 2 bonuses replaced with -15% reload speed and 33% increased range on the smoke barrage.
• Veterancy 3 also reduces smoke barrage recharge by 33%.


• Cost changed from 600MP to 400MP/50FU.

Jagdpanzer IV

The Jagdpanzer IV is receiving a reduction in terms of its veterancy power. Previously, a veteran Jagdpanzer proved to be too powerful due to its incredibly high damage when attacking from stealth, ability to self-spot without penalty to its max range, while also being very well-protected against tank shells. The Jagdpanzer stealth capabilities is also being moved in-line with other vehicles.
• Detection radius from 10 to 20.
Veterancy Changes
• Veterancy 5 First-Strike damage from 400 to 200.
• Veterancy 2 sight bonus replaced by 20% weapon accuracy.
• Veterancy 2 armor bonus removed.


The Jagdtiger is receiving significant changes to lower its dominance in team games. The changes will make the Jagdtiger less potent against the majority of Allied. At the same time, Support-Fire will now be available without the need for veterancy to allow the Jagdtiger to support attacks against non-vehicle targets. Support-Fire has been modified in terms of damage output as the ability no longer collides with terrain or landscape.
• Call-In without Schwerer Panzer Headquarters: 900MP/350FU.
• Accuracy from 0.06/0.05/0.04 to 0.05/0.0375/0.025. (Matches Elefant accuracy)
• Damage from 320 to 280.
• Range from 85 to 78.
• Supporting Fire range from 125 to 85.
• Veterancy 4 rotation bonus removed.
• Engine upgrade no longer provides a 20% rotation bonus.
• Population from 21 to 24.
• Jagdtigers now suffer a short stun (disables main gun and reduces speed by 70% for 3 secs) upon receiving penetrating hits on rear armor. Ignored when the Jagdtiger reaches veterancy 5.

Supporting Fire
• Supporting Fire projectile now ignores terrain/landscape.
• Supporting Fire now available without veterancy.
• Veterancy 1 increases Supporting Fire rounds from 3 to 5.
• Jagdtiger Supporting Fire scatter from 6 to 8. Distance Scatter Max from 8.4 to 10
• Supporting FIre mid AOE from 2.25 to 1.5


• Call-In without Schwerer Panzer Headquarters: 350/125.
• Refer to Ostheer Ostwind changes above.

Flammpanzer 38 ‘Hetzer’

• Call-In without Schwerer Panzer Headquarters: 350/125.

Command Panther

• Call-In without Schwerer Panzer Headquarters: 700/280.


• Call-In without Schwerer Panzer Headquarters: 700/200.

251 Walking Stuka

The AOE and scatter have been adjusted to make the unit less devastating, particularly against team weapons that it could generally wipe out in one barrage. In return the cost has been reduced and the population made to match the other rocket launchers.
• Health from 320 to 160.
• Cost from 390/100 to 360/85.
• Build-time from 60 to 45.
• Population from 14 to 12.
• AOE damage from 1/0.15/0.05 to 1/0.15/0.01.
• AOE distance from 2/4/6 to 0.5/5.5/7.
• Angle Scatter from 0 to 9.
• Distance scatter max from 0 to 10.5.
• Distance scatter ratio from 0 to 0.0875.
• FOW scatter multipliers from 1 to 1.25.

Base Flak Emplacement

The base emplacements are no longer being allowed to target aircraft. If a player wants to deny aircraft, they must now invest into proper AA such as the Schwerer Panzer HQ or 251 Flak Half-Track.
• Can no longer target aircraft.

Flak Emplacement

• 25% increased damage against aircraft.

Sturm Offizer

• Offizer model Reinforce from 50 to 35 .
• Reinforce time from 16 to 7.


To make the Kubelwagon more vulnerable to light-arms fire and cause less manpower bleed in the early game, the following changes have been made. 
• Armour from 4.5/4.5 to 2.5/2.
• Health from 190 to 220.

OKW Starting Weapon Crews

The starting crews for OKW team weapons were currently performing as well as regular Volksgrenadiers unlike traditional weapon teams while their received accuracy on certain weapons was lower, making them more durable against small-arms. This has been adjusted to match other weapon crews.
• Now use a unique variant of the Kar98k rather than the Volksgrenadier version to match other weapon teams.
• Reinforce from 25 to 22.
• Raketenwerfer Crew received accuracy from 0.85 to 1.
• MG-34 Crew received accuracy remains at 1.25.
• Le.ig 18 Crew received accuracy from 0.85 to 1.25


Penal Battalion

The Penal battalion is receiving a reduction in their potency regarding their on-the-move performance to be more in-line with other infantry. Furthermore, Penals will now need to upgrade PTRS rifles to have the ability to stick Satchels to vehicles. This will force players to purchase upgrades, reducing their AI power in return, if they want to ward off vehicles. The Anti-Vehicle Satchel, however, will now be made more reliable as players will have a clear indicator of which squads they will need to avoid.

The veterancy requirements of the Penal squad have also been increased to better match their price and power.
• Moving cooldown from 0.5 to 0.75.
• Veterancy requirements increased from 540/1080/2160 to 640/1280/2560.
• Regular Satchels no longer collide with vehicles.
• Targeted Anti-Vehicle Satchels now require the PTRS upgrade.
• Targeted Anti-Vehicle Satchels will continue to track targets, even after they have moved out of range.
• Fixed an issue where Targeted Anti-Vehicle Satchels would deal high damage to passengers onboard vehicles.
• Fixed an issue where satchels were dealing more damage to friendly infantry than enemy infantry.

1910 Maxim HMG

The Maxim is receiving some boosts to its ability to acquire and respond to targets within its arc. Base suppression is being raised to help the Maxim perform its intended role and its rate of fire at distance is being increased where it suffered the most. This change will boost both damage and suppression at long-range.
• Suppression from 0.00006 to 0.000065.
• Nearby suppression from 1.25 to 1.
• Ready-Aim Time to 0.125.
• Fire-Aim Time to 0.125.
• Fire-Aim Time multipliers standardized to 0.5.
• Rate of fire far modifier from 0.9 to 1.15.

Dshka HMG Team

We are reducing the Dshka’s raw performance and increasing its population, along with its reinforce, to be in-line with other HMGs. Previously the unit’s high suppression allowed it to ignore most sources of cover on-top of having incredibly high damage at short-to-mid distances that required triple the # of machine guns to match.
• Increased reinforcement cost for vanilla crew from 15 to 20.
• Traverse speed decreased from 90 to 38.
• Suppression decreased from 0.00044 to 0.00030.
• Rate of fire multiplier changed from 2.1/1.5/0.9 to 1.3/1.15/0.9.
• Setup time increased from 2 to 2.25.
• Fire aim time from 0.125/1 to 0.125/0.5.
• Ready aim time from 0.375-0.5 to 0.25.
• Population from 6 to 7.


• Call-In cost without Mechanized Armor Kompenya tech: 800/290.
• Veterancy 1 ‘Secure Point’ ability replaced with OF-471 Fragmentation Shell. This ability is a targeted ability that fires a HE shell that cover a large area, but low OHK radius also applies a mini-stun to vehicles hit. Ignores landscape and terrain.


The ISU-15 is being made more reliable in its role as an anti-personnel and anti-fortification assault gun. The HE and Concrete-Piercing shells will no longer collide with terrain such as hills. To adjust for this change, the HE shells are being given less OHK radius against infantry and higher scatter but a lower damage drop-off at distance to prevent it from wiping out full squads in a single hit. Its population is also being raised to match other heavy tank destroyers/assault guns.
• Call-In cost without Mechanized Armor Kompenya tech: 900/325.
• Population from 20 to 23.
• HE Far damage from 0.05 to 0.15.
• HE AOE Distances from 1.25/2.75/4.5 to 0.25/1.5/6.
• Concrete-Piercing and HE rounds can now bypass landscape/terrain.
• Scatter Distance max from 8.7 to 10.
• Angle scatter from 5 to 6.5.

M4C Sherman

Due to the prominence of this general-purpose tank that can be readily deployed without requiring any sort of tech and its effectiveness against most targets, the unit is now being moved in-line with its T-34/85 counterpart. It will now require the Mechanized Armor Kompenya to be produced.
• Now required the Mechanized Armor Kompenya to be constructed.


To emphasize the KV-1’s role as defensive tank meant to absorb damage for lighter units, we are increasing its health to allow the unit to take more punishment. KV-1s has also received a new veteran ability to be more in-line with its adjusted role.
• Call-In cost without Mechanized Armor Kampanenya tech: 525/175.
• Health from 800 to 960.
• Secure Mode replaced with KV-1 Hulldown. Increases rate of fire by 15% and damage resistance by 20% after five seconds. Tank becomes immobile when active.


• Call-In cost without Mechanized ArmorKampanenya tech: 785/290.


• Call-In cost without Mechanized Armor Kampanenya tech: 485/175.
• Veterancy requirements from 2070/4140/8280 to 1750/3500/7000.
• Armor from 240 to 270.

B4 Howitzer

• Cost from 600MP to 400MP/50FU.
• Population from 21 to 15.


The ML-20 is getting a boost to its mid-range AOE. Previously the ML-20 had worse damage drop-off between near and far distances compared to its counterpart, the LefH.
• Cost from 600MP to 400MP/50FU.
• Mid AOE from 0.15 to 0.28.

Dshka Pintle MGs

• 20 Penetration vs aircraft. 65% damage against aircraft.

M5 Quad Mount

The M5 Quad mount has been modified for the new AA system. Due to the number of rounds it fires per burst, its damage against aircraft had to be reduced to prevent it from immediately shooting down planes that enter range. An M5 should still reliably down most aircraft in two bursts, however. 
• 35 penetration vs aircraft. 60% damage vs aircraft.



We’ve improved the following aspects of various units that fire shells in an arced trajectory which should increase their reliability. There were a number of issues revolving around units such as:
• Overshooting/Undershooting
• Inconsistent Firing Arcs
• Poor performance when firing over or near shot blockers
• Projectiles disappearing mid-air
• Fixed an issue where it was possible to double-tap fire with ISG/Pack-Howitzers

This affects the following units:
• KV-2
• Brummbar
• StuG E
• Le.ig 18
• Pack Howitzer
• Sturmtiger
• M8A1
• Bulldozer

Sandbags Standardization and Ghosting

All sandbags have been adjusted to a standardized profile. Previously their values were inconsistent resulting in them being destroyed immediately while others could be rapidly destroyed by small-arms.

Furthermore, we are addressing an issue where sandbags could be used to block their opponent, despite the fact their construction remained incomplete.

Ostheer Pioneers will also build sandbags faster to be more in-line with other units due to their four man squad.
• All sandbags standardized to 240 health and 35 armor.
• Ostheer sandbags build-time from 60 to 45
• Units that have been in combat in the past 3 seconds will cause all unfinished enemy ghostbags within 4 radius to immediately deconstruct

Infantry Model Population and Soviet Weapon Teams

We’ve adjusted the population of infantry to be based on the squad rather than individual models. This means that all team weapons, regardless of who crews them, will retain the same amount of pop cap.

Furthermore, Soviet weapon teams and weapons that they have re-crewed will now have reduced population to match their counterparts.
• All infantry model population standardized to 1
• Soviet captured or weapon teams in use have -2 population to match the population of other factions.

Team Weapon Squad Formations

Team weapons are being adjusted in their formations to make them less vulnerable to both AOE when they are taking cover.
• Formations adjusted for all team weapons to increase spacing between models when in cover.

Toggled Cloak Abilities

We are reducing the amount of unnecessary clicks surrounding these abilities by allowing the following units to move at their full speed when they have been revealed, regardless if the ability is still active.
• Panzer II Luchs
• Jagdpanzer IV
• Raketenwerfer
• Soviet ATGs

Smoke Barrages

• Activating smoke barrages will now only order one unit at a time (similar to grenades). Previously if multiple mortars were selected, all units would fire smoke at the target position.

Target Weak Point

This change affects the mode of operation for TWP that applies to StuG Gs, Pak guns, Pumas and the Elefant. Target Weak Point should now only fire one shot, but the player has more time to. Furthermore, it means units with this ability can now use TWP on the move without being forced to stop when told to target hostiles.
• Target Weak Point now last for 10 seconds or until the unit fires its first shot while under this ability. Activating the ability forces the unit to reload before being able to fire

Battlegroup Headquarters

• Medic search radius increased from 20 to 30. 
• The Battlegroup between now requires more distance between itself and obstacles before it can be deployed. This is to prevent it from trapping infantry models.


• Projectile no longer collides with terrain/landscape.

T-34 Animator State

This is a simple re-introduction of assets that are already available to provide some diversity when the T-34 spawns.
• T-34s now have a 50% chance of arriving on the battlefield with fuel canisters and supply boxes.

Resupply Half-Track

The Resupply Half-Track is being adjusted to be in-line with other transport half-tracks.
• Occupant death chance from 0% to 50%.

Headquarters Glider

A number of issues have been fixed revolving around the glider should it crash-land. The Headquarters Glider will now also be able to rebuild the Airlanding Officer should the unit be destroyed.
• Airlanding Officer limited to one, but can now be produced from the Glider.
• Fixed an issue where the player could be locked out of the ability if the glider crash landed.


USF Officers shield icons will now display on the unit bar when their respective tech building is being unlocked.


• Grenadier LMG 42 now uses the proper upgrade icon.
• Maxim Sustained Fire now uses the proper ability icon.
• KV-8 Call-In ability now uses the proper unit icon.
• Soviet and USF ATGs are no longer slowed by cover to match their Axis and British counterparts.
• Soviet Roks 3 no longer has higher aim-times compared to other flamethrowers
• Fixed an issue where Hold Fire would not work properly on mortars/Le.IG and the Pack Howitzer
• Fixed an issue where the Veterancy 1 Soviet mortar flare ability would sometimes not trigger
• 120mm Mortar flare ability not matching the weapon’s auto-fire range
• Fixed an issue where the T-34 Ram ability would stun on deflection, but not on penetration.
• Fixed an issue when 250 LMG Grenadiers did not have penalties when constructing objects and gained increased range on their grenade with veterancy
• Fixed an issue where the AI would not upgrade healing or repairs for their respective structures.
• Fixed an issue with infantry handheld AT weapons would not properly apply death criticals to vehicles when the target reaches 0% health.
• Fixed an issue where the Bulldozer would fire less smoke rounds compared to the regular Sherman.
• Fixed an issue where officer cost and reinforce times did not match with the rest of their squad.
• Fixed an issue where Firefly tulips could apply their effects on infantry.
• The Priest no longer requires 4 models to recrew. Now requires 3.
• Fixed an issue where M2HBs and Dshka HMGs could not be targeted when abandoned.
• Fixed an issue where certain infantry units awarded more experience than their actual entity cost would imply.
• Fixed an issue where SU-85 Focus Sight and T-70 Recon abilities were not properly highlighted when on cooldown.
• Fixed an issue where certain units could ‘double shot’. 
• Fixed an issue where certain MGs could not be upgraded with Ambush Camouflage when captured. 
• Fixed an issue where Ambush Camouflage did not properly apply at 1 CP. [An increase in CPs does not affect how the upgrade ambush camouflage is being applied to units.]
• Fixed an issue where the Grenadier 250 Half-Track was 7 population versus the 5 of the Panzergrenadier 250 Half-Track.
USF battlechatter will now reference their bazooka lines when in combat.
• Fixed an issue where Fallschirmjager did not use their FG-42 voice lines.
• Fixed an issue where Commandos previously took too long to regain their ambush bonuses when out of combat.
• Fixed an issue where it was possible to hide the Sturmtiger aiming its shell.
• Fixed an issue that the Soviet Sniper would camouflage when only a single model was in cover.
• Fixed a UI issue where the building preview was displaying longer MG weapon range than the actual one. This applies to Bunkers and Fighting Positions. (Seems fine on Bunkers, Fighting Pits has more range then UI indicates)
• Fixed an issue where pinned squads under the effects of Raid Operation would be able to capture points with the ability on.
• Fixed an issue where it was not possible to access the same abilities between certain units. This includes, Lieutenants, Sappers and Tommies.
• Fixed an issue where machine guns that had the Ambush Camouflage Hold-Fire ability active upon death would not auto-acquire targets when they were recrewed.
• Fixed an issue where the Bofors Barrage would continue, even if the Bofors lost its garrison bonus.
• Fixed an issue where Mortar Pit Smoke Barrages left gaps within in its creeping barrage.
• Pack Howitzer HEAT barrage no longer replaces HE barrage.

Source : https://community.companyofheroes.com/discussion/244194/fall-balance-preview-changelog

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We find that, when responding to right-click commands, the potential for vehicles to pick a reverse-moving path is too high. This is despite the fact that there already exists an explicit reverse-move command. This often leads to vehicles selecting a turn plan that exposes their rear armour to the enemy.

To address this issue, we are changing how pathfinding works when using the simple right-click command:
In order for a vehicle/team-weapon to select a reverse-moving motion, the reverse path should be significantly faster than any other forward-moving path.

Addressed an issue where the following units would prefer picking reverse paths over forward paths; Anvil Churchill, Universal Carrier, M3A1, WC51

The change will make it so that issuing a right-click command behind the tank will still allow the tank to use a reverse movement. At the same time, clicking to the sides will now guarantee that a forward-moving path is picked.


AA performance is being adjusted for a number of units in respect to the availability, cost, durability and the various other roles these AA units take on in the late game.

  • Ostwind damage modifier vs aircraft +150% to +125%. Veterancy 2 to 150% from 200%.
  • Schwerer Panzer HQ AA damage modifier to -50%.
  • Flak Emplacement AA damage modifier from +125% to +200%
  • M15 Machineguns AA damage modifier from -50% to -25%.
  • Dshka Mount AA damage modifier from -35% to -50%.
  • Centaur AA damage modifier from +115% to +125%.


1910 Maxim

We are seeing a resurgence of Maxim spam; to prevent the strategy from reappearing in the live game, we are toning down some of the changes.

  • Rate-of-fire multiplier far reverted from 1.15 to 0.9


Given the performance upgrade of the KV-1, the units is seeing its call-in requirements increased to give more time for its counters to arrive.

  • Command Point requirements from 8 to 9


The IS-2 is receiving a slightly ready aim-time shorter time on its special ability. Previously it was too easy to avoid due to the long aim-time and indicators signified that the IS-2 would use its ability. Furthermore, we are slightly adjusting AOE and scatter offset to improve the unit’s consistency when firing at infantry.

  • Veteran 1 Ready-Aim Time from 4 to 3.25
  • Scatter offset from 0.25 to 0.185
  • Far AOE damage from 0.05 to 0.1



Bunkers are being modified to make them a worthwhile asset to garrison during combat. Previously garrisoning the bunker held little purpose as the squad would die should the bunker be destroyed unlike trenches or fighting positions.

  • Survival chance for garrisoned units increased from 0% to 50%

StuG G

The StuG G is receiving a penetration reduction to make the unit less potent against heavier vehicles. A single StuG G could previously hold off heavier vehicles on its own thanks to TWP, high rate of fire and good penetration values. The changes will make the StuG G less effective against heavier units at distance, but the unit will still be a threat to heavies that attempt to close the distance.

In addition to the other changes, the MG mount is being made cheaper with higher range, since it has a fixed arc and is mounted on a rather fragile unit that wants to maintain distance with its targets.

  • Population from 10 to 9.
  • Penetration from 200/185/170 to 200/160/150
  • Machine Gun Changes (Affects both StuG E and StuG G)
  • Machine gun cost from 50 to 30.
  • Machine gun range to 40.

Ostwind (Both Ostheer and OKW Variants)

The Ostwind is receiving changes to its AOE to account for the new projectile. Previously, an Ostwind at short-range would decimate infantry with only a couple shots, even on retreat, but the unit had poor effectiveness at range due to the high AOE drop-off. The changes will make the Ostwind less deadly at short-range against clumped up or individual models, but the damage from non-direct hits should allow the Ostwind to perform better from a distance and against spaced out squads.

  • Distance scatter max from 2.9 to 3.5
  • AOE Distance from 1/1.25/1.5 to 0.5/1.5/2
  • AOE damage from 1/0.15/0.05 to 0.8/0.2/0.1


The Tiger is having its speed modified to be slightly slower than it previously was in the Fall Balance Preview. The new acceleration combined with the higher top speed increase made the Tiger an extremely difficult opponent to flank or escape from.

  • Speed partially reverted from 5.4 to 5.2

Tiger Ace

The Tiger Ace is being modified to be less of an all-in unit. Previously a Tiger Ace was used to finish off or overwhelm a player thanks to its lack of fuel cost. At the same time, a Tiger Ace was more of a detriment to the player in the long-term due to the penalty in place. These changes should make the Tiger Ace less powerful as a sudden shock weapon, but also not become a unit that needs to be tossed away due to the resource penalties.

  • Cost changed from 800MP to 720MP/240FU (with BP3) / 900MP/300FU (without BP3)
  • Penalties reduced from -25%MP -90% until death FU to -20% MP -50% FU for 8 minutes


Due to the changes to the Elefant that saw a damage reduction and a population increase, the unit is receiving a reduced * Cost to represent its new statline.

  • Cost from 720/245 to 680/230 with Battle Phase 3


We find that the Panzerwerfer deals too little damage to garrison compared to other indirect fire units and are correcting this.

  • Increased damage against ambient buildings by 30%


Pack Howitzer

The Pack Howitzer is receiving some adjustments to its cost, cooldown and population. The reduced cost, population and barrage cooldown should allow the Pack Howitzer to fulfill its role as the USF’s primary artillery unit meant to attack hostile defensive position. This was a role the unit struggled at due to its lengthy cooldown in comparison to other light artillery units.

  • Cost from 380 to 340.
  • Normal and White Phosphorus Barrage cooldowns from 60 to 40 (does not affect vet2 HEAT barrage)
  • Population from 11 to 9.

M36 ‘Jackson’ Tank Destroyer

The M36 is having its range restored and a slight price reduction to allow the unit to retaliate against long-range units to some effect. At the same time, the higher penetration drop-off and reduced accuracy at distance should force the Jackson to close in to be effective. The accuracy changes should also make the Jackson less dominating against lighter vehicles, particularly when it is on the move.

The changes will make it sub-optimal (but still possible) to engage targets from max range, but much stronger when the Jackson is closing in.

  • Cost partially reverted from 400/145 to 380/135
  • Range from 55 to 60 (reverted)
  • Pen from 240/220/200 to 280/230/180
  • Accuracy from 0.06/0.05/0.04 to 0.06/0.05/0.03 (all attacks)


The Calliope is receiving adjustments to improve the unit’s performance. The previous changes gave the opposition too much time to dodge the substantially weaker rockets, even if the Calliope had closed the distance.

  • Cooldown from 0.3 to 0.125
  • Near AOE from 0.5 to 0.75


Le.IG 18

The Le.ig is have some of its cost changes reverted and reload increased along with its minimum range. Previously the unit was too cheap for its cost and the low minimum range, combined with its low firing angle, made it difficult to attack into Le.IG positions.

  • Cost from 280 to 300
  • Minimum range raised from 25 to 35
  • HE Barrage recharge timers increased from 30 seconds to 40 seconds
  • Auto-fire reload time partially reverted from 4.25 to 5.5
  • Fixed an issue where the Le.IG’s auto-fire range was incorrect.

251 Walking Stuka

The scatter changes previously introduced to the Stuka make it very difficult for infantry squads to escape the area as the rockets would often scatter onto units outside of the line. To adjust for this, the rockets are having their OHK radius further reduced.

To improve barrage consistency, particularly against emplacements and award players for moving their walking stukas close to the frontlines for reduced scatter, we are lowering the length of the Creeping Barrage from 40 to 30. While the Stuka may cover less of an area, this change should ensure the rockets land in a somewhat predictable pattern.

Finally, the Stuka will now require more rockets to level structures and destroy team weapons to reflect its new price. The Stuka will still clear out infantry inside structures when the rockets land and decrew weapon teams should a rocket land directly on target.

  • Build-time returned to 60.
  • Incendiary rockets damage reverted
  • Mid AOE distance reduced from 5.5 to 3.33
  • -50% damage vs team weapons
  • -50% damage vs buildings
  • Creeping Barrage length from 40 to 30.
  • UI indication for Creeping Barrage now coincides with the actual barrage

Jagdpanzer IV:

The Jagdpanzer is receiving a slight cost increase to match its true performance due to its higher armor values, lower target size, and ability to self-spot up to ranges of 45.

  • Fuel cost increased from 135 to 145


Due to an issue caused by the stun which saw the Jagdtiger immediately reload when the duration ended, the weapon disable penalty is being replaced with a rotation penalty instead. This makes a Jagdtiger more vulnerable to flanks and circle-strafed, but will also mean that lucky stuns do not stop the Jagdtiger from engaging targets in front of it.

Daze effect changed from weapon disable/speed decrease (3 seconds) to rotation decrease/speed decrease (-70% each) for 3 seconds


The Hetzer is being decoupled from the tech tree to match units like the StuG E and Puma which are not powerful enough to require a specific tech or building for the removal of the call-in penalty.

  • Call-in adjustments reverted.



Due to the loss of the second flamethrower that significantly reduced the Crocodile's output against infantry (range: 38), we are slightly increasing the primary flamethrower’s range to match other flame tanks. The damage of the main gun is also being increased.

  • Flamethrower range partially reverted from 25 to 30
  • Main gun damage from 80 to 120

AEC Treadshots

The AEC’s Treadshot ability is being adjusted to be more in-line with the adjusted Target Weakpoint ability. This should make the ability more responsive and easier to use.

  • Now a timed ability
  • Lasts 15 seconds, during which time the AEC can move and fire the 2 treadshots
  • Treadshot no longer benefits from faster reload between shots


The Centaur is having its light cover penalties removed. The unit had issues attacking veteran infantry in light cover due to its reliance on accuracy-based attacks compared to scatter-based units such as the Ostwind. The change will allow the Centaur to engage its intended targets in the late-game where craters and light cover is plentiful.

  • Penalties for firing vs Light cover reverted


Tulip damage against infantry is being adjusted. Previously a player could use the Firefly’s rockets to kill weapon teams and infantry from long-range due to their AOE and damage radius, despite this ability being meant for AT work.

  • Tulips now deal 33% damage versus infantry.


  • Fixed an issue where the LOS and shot blocking mechanics of smoke would linger longer than the visual effects. Now all smoke mechanics will linger for 20 seconds.
  • Addressed an issue where Hold Fire would behave different from the live version
  • Fixed an issue where the 17-pounder would still require 20 popcap if built from the Advanced Emplacement Regiment commander.
  • Fixed an issue where Soviets could not recrew abandoned Le.IG guns
  • Fixed an issue where brace wouldn’t disable the mortar pit from firing
  • Fixed an issue where Destroy Cover and Commando Smoke Grenades would not always trigger properly
  • Fixed an issue where garrisoning a particular building in Red Ball Express would interfere with the barracks selection hotkey
  • Changed the hotkey for Sturmpioneer’s panzerschreck upgrade so as not to collide with the wirecutter ability
  • Fixed an issue where the AI was able to deploy Lend-Lease Shermans for free, and without any restrictions

Source : https://community.companyofheroes.com/discussion/comment/270537#Comment_270537

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  • Fixed an issue where the ISU-152 could not use the Concrete-Piercing Rounds ability

Source : https://community.companyofheroes.com/discussion/comment/270619#Comment_270619



1910 Maxim

The Maxim is having its far Rate of Fire slightly increased to improve it performance at distance.

  • Far ROF modifier from 0.9 to 1


The recent changes to the ISU made the unit far too lethal to infantry. As a result, the unit is having its one hit kill radius reduced against infantry.

  • Mid AoE distance further reduced from 1.5 to 1.1



Based on feedback from the community we are readjusting the Jackson. With these changes, we aim to reinforce Jackson’s use as a slugger and dive-in unit, to give the USF faction a late-game boost. In exchange, the unit’s cost is being increased and accuracy being reduced to prevent the Jackson from taking on all AT roles in the USF’s roster.

  • Health from 600 to 640
  • Cost from 380/135 to 400/145
  • Accuracy from 0.06/0.05/0.03 to 0.055/0.04/0.03
  • Far penetration from 180 to 200.



The original changes to the unit (armour reduction) made it difficult for the unit to acquire veterancy, preventing it from scaling to any useful role for later stages in the game. Therefore, we are changing how the Kubelwagen performs, allowing it to acquire veterancy by fighting alongside infantry units. To prevent the (free) Kubelwagen Detection ability from being too powerful and overshadowing other forms of recon, we are changing the way it performs.

  • Now benefits from shared veterancy
  • Detection (vet1) ability now immobilizes the vehicle
  • Cannot toggle Detection ability more often than every 5 seconds


We are reverting a handful of changes due to the removal of the range bug that was found in version 1.0. The Le.IG’s AOE is also being increased to improve its performance against team weapons.

  • AOE radius from 3.5 to 4.
  • Auto-fire reload from 5.5 to 4.5.
  • Cost from 300 to 280


Mortar Pit

The Mortar Pit is being adjusted to be less map dependent by having its price reduced and its defensive stats readjusted. The changes to target-size will make the Mortar Pit less vulnerable to anti-tank units while the hit-box changes will make the Mortar Pit less susceptible to indirect-fire. The reduction in armor, however, will make the Mortar Pit extremely vulnerable to small-arms allowing players to destroy Mortar Pits with well-executed flanks from either bolt-action rifles or submachine guns depending on range. The adjustment in cost will also make the use of single mortar-pits on open maps more viable as the investment is lower.

  • Cost from 240/160 to 200/150
  • Minimum range increased from 25 to 30
  • Target size from 40 to 1
  • Armour from 5 to 1
  • Hitbox size reduced
  • Upgraded health from 700 to 1050

Given the durability improvements on the mortar pit, Brace is having its duration reduced to allow infantry attacks to be more effective against overrun emplacements.

  • Duration decreased from 30 to 20
  • Armour bonus removed
  • Still yields -75% received damage for all incoming attacks

Improved Fortification (Emplacement) Commander

We are changing the armour bonus from an additive one to a multiplicative one, to prevent upgraded Mortar Pits being immune to small-arms.

  • Upgrade armor bonus changed from 10+ to 2x stock armour.


Model 24 Stun Grenades

We are fixing several issues with the German Stun Grenades while maintaining their current functionality.

  • Grenade Stun critical now only affect squad-members within the AOE rather than the whole squad.
  • Stunned squad members are unable to move for the duration of the 5 second stun.
  • Fixed an issue where stun nades would permanently break team weapons
  • This affects both OKW stun nades and OST stun nades


  • Fixed an issue where certain team weapons sometimes could have suppression modifiers permanently attached.
  • Fixed an issue where certain veterancy bonuses would not apply correctly to certain MGs and certain mortars
  • Fixed an issue where demo charges would deal double damage if detonated by weapons’ fire.
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to stack multiple booby traps together on the same location.
  • Fixed an issue where Prioritize Vehicle would sometimes not show when multiple AT guns were selected together
  • Fixed an issue where Jackson/M10/Jagdtiger were still able to double-tap their attacks at the end of the ability
  • Emplacement range is now visible both when setting up and after they have been built
  • Fixed an issue where the KV1 ‘Hulldown’ ability would not deform the ground properly.
  • Reverted changes to Sturmtiger projectile (were buggy)

Source : https://community.companyofheroes.com/discussion/comment/270817#Comment_270817

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    • Oh merci, franchement je n'étais pas venue pour ça, mais bangeur, ça va m'être utile mrc bcp frérot
    • Bonjour,   Sur COH3 j'ai pu  faire plusieurs parties sans problème mais maintenant au bout de quelques secondes l'écran devient noir, on peut voir les unités et le jeux continue. J'ai une carte intel graphique 630 Que faire?
    • Bonjours,  Depuis quelques temps j'ai constaté que certain des mods installés pour COH sur mon pc bug au chargement des maps ou in game et m'affiche un message qui dit "Impossible de créer le rapport d'erreur vérifiez votre dossier TEMP" j'ai essayé une manip expliquée sur un forum de Jeuxvidéo.com mais ça marche pas ! Avez vous une solution fiable ? Je précise qu'il s'agit du Pack comprenant COH, COH : OF, COH : TOV et COH : Legacy et j'ai constaté le bug sur Battle of the Bulge et sur Far East War
    • MaJ v1.4.3.21751  - 2023/12/15 vendredi Taille : 232,4Mo This hot fix addresses our top crash from this past week that was causing players to crash while loading into a multiplayer match. This was especially problematic in larger game modes. We wanted to thank all our players for filling out their BugSplat crash reports so that we could diagnose the problem in a timely fashion. Thank you for all your patience as we worked to resolve this. ELO & ranks are now reenabled as well. Bug Fixes Addressed a crash while loading into a 4v4 quick match. Artillery Radio Beacon now stops receiving bonuses to rate of fire and range as soon as the ability is cancelled. Fixed alignment of territory lines and icons on the tactical map for rectangular shaped maps. Fixed an issue where players could not change Company Support options when starting a mission in the Italian Dynamic Campaign. Fixed some messages not appearing when a tutorial is calling the player's attention to something. Source : https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1677280/view/3891737145570951427
    • Bonjour, Je pense que la version de CoH sur le CD/DVD de CoH Anthology est en quelque sort trop vieille et donc plus compatible pour fonctionner sur Windows 10. Si je me suis souviens bien, CoH Anthology regroupe : CoH, CoH : Opposing Fronts et CoH : Tales of Valor. As-tu toujours les clés/codes CD de ces jeux ? Si oui, alors je te conseille d'ajouter ces clés sur Steam pour pouvoir télécharger le jeu dans sa dernière version et y jouer. Procédure dans ce sujet :  
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