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Company of Heroes France - Game Health Update

Release Date: 07/17/2021


Mise à jour d'environ 112Mo.


Regional Server Support

  • Players can now select regional servers in custom games
  • These changes will also result in better overall ping times across automatch modes
  • This should help with peak time lags that some players have been experiencing

Observer Mode Selection Fixes

  • Fixes that now allow players to see and select observer mode in custom, friends and automatch modes
  • Observer mode functionality was fixed in a previous update

Chat Fixes

  • Fixes for a variety of issues with chat and chat rooms
  • Some bugs persist in this area, and will be addressed in a subsequent update

Crash Fixes

  • Fixed various crashes and performance issues

"Nis_playambient" console command reinstated

  • Community requested this feature to be reinstated. It was available in CoH1 and removed in CoH2.

Source: https://companyofheroes.vanillacommunities.com/discussion/comment/289045#Comment_289045


JohnT_RE (July 8th 2021): Hey everyone. I've been seeing a lot of questions and speculation on how the regional server support may or may not be affecting matchmaking and the in-game experience. I wanted to track down some answers right from our server team to help clarify what this new support actually does. So here you go!

  • When you select a server, you are not region locked.
  • You still matchmake globally. When the system forms the match, it takes into account all users' pings to every region (finding the best overall) and applying that to its decision. The outcome is you are more likely, but not guaranteed, to be placed in a match in your closest region. BUT this heavily depends on how many other players are searching for the same match type close to your rank/rating.
  • Queue times may be affected if there aren't many users who would optimally use the same region as you.
  • Your ping score is just another number in how the system decides possible matches when the automatch engine runs.

So TLDR, this support should prioritize the ideal server for you, but it's contingent on a bunch of other factors like player rank, location in proximity to server, how many players are searching, time of day, etc., etc. Hope this helped clear things up!


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