Squad Formations
• Drift cap/rate removed (was causing garrison bug)
• Arrow formation removed -> replaced with Paratrooper formation
• Squad AI removed due to player complaints
USF M83 Cluster Bombs
The following changes have been made to reduce the cluster bomb’s capability to wipe out squads upon deployment.
• Scatter changes and drop height changes
Commando Doctrine Assault
The following changes have been made to make this abilities cost better match its value and increase its usability.
• Weapon accuracy increased from 1.15 to 1.25
• Speed boost no longer applies to units in combat
• Cost reduced from 80 to 70
• Recharge time increased from 90 to 120
Smoke Raid
• Activation delay from 10 to 5
• Units built after the ability has been activated will now be affected by Smoke Raid
Royal Engineer’s Stand Fast
The make this commander less situational, the following change has been made.
• Replaced with Sapper flamethrowers
Hull Down
To increase the usability of this ability, the following changes have been made
• Cast time from 15 secs to 7.5 secs
• Reload bonus removed; range bonus unchanged
Elite Troops Doctrine
Damage is being greatly reduced on stun grenades to solidify their role as a stun platform.
• Model 24 stun grenade damage from 40 to 10
Population has been adjusted across a number of units to encourage more diverse unit compositions.
• Tiger: 20 to 21
• Puma: 8 to 7
• 250: 5 to 3
• StuG G: 8 to 10
• 222: 5 to 4
• Grenadiers: 6 to 7
• Pak40: 8 to 7
• Command Panther: 18 to 19
• Jagpanzer IV: 14 to 15
• Stuka: 14 to 12
• Puma: 8 to 7
• Luchs: 8 to 6
• 251 Flak halftrack: 7 to 6
• Kubelwagen: 4 to 3
• Pershing: 16 to 19
• Jackson: 14 to 16
• M15 AA HT: 8 to 6
• Stuart: 8 to 6
• Major: 5 to 3
• WC51: 4 to 3
• M20: 6 to 4
• IS-2: 19 to 21
• SU-85: 12 to 15
• T-70: 7 to 6
• M3 Scout Car: 5 to 3
• Conscripts: 6 to 7
• Guards Rifle Infantry: 8 to 9
• Firefly: 14 to 16
• AEC: 8 to 6
• UC: 5 to 3
• Tommies: 6/7 to 7/8 (second number for 5 man squads)
A number of general changes have been applied to a number of light indirect-fire options to reduce their squad wipe potential, improve anti-garrison counterplay, and reduce their range in the late game.
• Damage to garrisoned squads increased from 0.25 to 0.5
• AOE near damage multiplier decreased from 1 to 0.85
• Veterancy barrage range bonuses replaced by barrage scatter reduction for the majority of light indirect fire options.
Grw34 81mm Mortar
The Wehrmacht mortar is receiving adjustments to its rate of fire to discourage builds of multiple mortar squads and reduce the rate they can push back enemy assaults.
• Barrage reload increased from 0 to 1.25
• Auto-attack reload increased from 4 to 6
• Veterancy 2 auto-attack scatter bonus removed
• Veterancy 3 range bonus replaced by 20% increase to barrage accuracy; applies to all barrages except smoke
• Smoke barrage ranged changed to 85
250 Mortar HT
Similar to the Wehrmacht mortar, we have reduced the halftrack's rate of fire; in exchange, the unit has received a cost reduction to match the USF mortar halftrack.
• Reload increased from 4 to 6
• Barrage reload increased from 0 to 1.25
• Fuel cost decreased from 40 to 30
• Smoke barrage range changed to 85
• Veterancy 2 barrage accuracy bonus removed
• Veterancy 3 range bonus replaced by 20% increase to barrage accuracy; applies to all barrages
• Minimum range increased from 25 to 40; does not affect smoke barrage
Le.IG 18
The AOE of the le.IG has been increased to match other indirect-fire units.
• AoE radius increased from 3 to 4
• Number of incendiary shells decreased from 5 to 4 per barrage
• Smoke barrage range change from 35 - 150 to 25 - 125
• Veterancy 1 range bonus now applies a 25% bonus to smoke barrage range only
• Veterancy 3 range bonus removed
• Veterancy 5 20% scatter reduction bonus added
M21 Mortar HT
Similar to the Wehrmacht Mortar HT, we have reduced the halftrack's rate of fire.
• Reload increased from 5/5 to 6/7
• Barrage reload increased from 0 to 1.25
• Smoke barrage max range reduced from 106 to 85
• Veterancy 2 barrage accuracy bonus removed
• Veterancy 3 range bonus replaced by 20% increase to barrage accuracy; applies to all barrages
• Minimum range increased from 25 to 40; does not affect smoke barrage
81mm Mortar
The USF mortar’s range is being brought back in-line with other factions’ mortars. However, due to its early arrival and synergy with Riflemen squads, their AOE distance has been reduced to act as a support unit that’s primary role is anti-garrison and smoke.
• Range increased from 25 (min) - 65 (max) to 25 (min) - 75 (max)
• Reload speed increased from 4 to 6
• Setup increased from 0.5 to 1
• Teardown increased from 1.1 to 2
• Barrage reload increased by 1.25 seconds
• Smoke barrage range changed to 15 (min) - 85 (max)
• Veterancy 2 auto-attack scatter bonus removed
• Veterancy 3 range bonus replaced by 20% increase to barrage accuracy; applies to all barrages
• AOE distance changed from 1/2/3 to 0.75/1.5/3
Pack Howitzer
The pack howitzer has been adjusted to be more affordable and effective at barraging defensive positions.
• Barrage increased from 3 to 4
• Manpower cost reduced to 340
• Veterancy 3 range bonus removed
• AOE damage from 1/0.25/0.1 to 0.85/0.5/0.25
3inch Mortar
Cost and barrage cooldown has been reduced to make the Mortar Pit more affordable and attractive as a source of indirect-fire.
• Barrage weapon cooldown increased by 1.25 seconds
• Manpower cost decreased from 400MP to 350MP
• Barrage cooldown from 40 seconds to 20 seconds
• Shots per mortar during barrage from 4 to 3
82mm Mortar
• Smoke barrage range decreased from 106 to 85
• Veterancy 2 auto-attack scatter bonus removed
• Veterancy 3 range bonus replaced by a 20% increase to barrage accuracy
120mm Mortar
The 120mm is losing a member of its crew to make it more vulnerable to assaults and to compensate for its ability to operate at one man.
• Squad size reduced from 6 to 5
• Veterancy 2 20% increase to barrage accuracy removed
• Veterancy 3 range bonus replaced by 20% increase to barrage accuracy
• Smoke barrage ranged changed to 120
• Fixed an issue where the Soviet sniper would be able to return to stealth fast
• Anti-garrison accuracy standardized to 100% for all snipers
A number of units have been given additional boosts to their MGs against snipers, increasing the number of mobile counters to these units.The following units’ hull MGs now have a 1.5 accuracy multiplier vs snipers
• USF: Stuart and Greyhound
• British: AEC
• Soviet: T-70
• Wehrmacht: Puma
• OKW: Puma, Panzer II
The 222 Scout car has had its coaxial MG34 accuracy penalty vs snipers removed, thus making this unit a stronger counter to snipers.
Both Panthers are being standardized in reload and accuracy to improve performance; the health bonus at veterancy 2 has been shifted to the unit’s stock performance to improve its survivability against tank destroyers. Now possibly in its best spot yet.
• Wehr Panther fuel cost from 175 to 185
• Wehr far accuracy increased from 0.03 to 0.035
• HP increase from 800 to 960 (all variants)
• Front armour reduced to 260
• Veterancy 2 +160 HP bonus replaced by +10% armour bonus
• OKW Panther reload from 6.1 - 6.4 to 5.2 - 5.6
• Rear armour reduced from 110 to 90 (all variants)
222 Armored Car
The 222 is receiving a cost adjustment to make it more viable early-mid game and easier to replace in the later stages should it be destroyed.
• Manpower cost reduced from 250 to 200
• Coaxial MG far accuracy increased from 0.27 to 0.32
• 20mm main gun no longer creates light cover
• Coaxial MG now obeys attack commands
• Panzerschreck upgrade munitions cost reduced from 120 to 100
The Brummbar is having its AOE adjusted to reduce its ability to wipe out full health units on the first shot, but still able to deal significant damage on misses.
• AOE distance changed from 1.25/2.5/3.75 to 0.625/1.25/6; applies to both auto-attack and bunker-buster
• AOE damage changed from 1/0.3/0.05 to 1/0.35/0.2; applies to both auto-attack and bunker-buster
Command Panzer 4
We are reducing the bonuses of the Command Panzer IV’s aura to decrease its potency around units such as the Stug G and Panther that are either incredibly cost effective with increased durability or have high durability to begin with.
• Damage reduction lowered from 20% to 10%
StuG G
The Stug’s high rate of fire is disproportionate to its cost, particularly when produced in numbers.
• Reload from 3.5/4.5 to 4.5/5.5
Tiger Ace
• Cost increased from 800 Manpower to 800 Manpower and 150 Fuel.
Starting Resources
• Starting fuel reduced from 10 to 5
Concussion grenades have been adjusted to be less lethal; their main value will be their ability stun squads.
• Stun Grenade damage reduce from 20 to 10
Mechanized Regiment HQ
The Mechanized HQ is having its fuel cost slightly lowered to maintain current tech timings and make back-teching a more viable option.
• Fuel cost reduced from 50 to 45
Panzer II Luchs
The Luchs is having its build time reduced to give the unit more shock value upon arrival and to increase its window of opportunity.
• Build time reduced from 75 to 60
SdKfz 251/17 Flak Halftrack
The 251 flak is having its suppression reduced to prevent it from immediately pinning squads; smoke cost has been increased to make quick escapes more costly
• Suppression reduced from 0.3 to 0.15
• Concealment smoke increased from to 25/15 to 35/25 at veterancy 0/1
The Soviet sniper is becoming a 1-man/woman squad similar to the Wehrmacht and British snipers to allow more counter-sniper play from Wehrmacht players..
• Squad size reduced from 2 to 1
• Camouflage combat reset time from 16 to 10
• Camouflage revert time from 3 to 6
• Hitpoints increased from 64 to 82
• Population increased from 8 to 9
• Ready aim time changed to 1.5
• Cooldown changed to 3.5 (min) - 4 (max)
• Reload duration decreased from 5 to 4.5
• Reload frequency increased from 4 to 9
• Population from 8 to 9
• Out of cover camouflage decloak time increased by 2 seconds
Conscript PPSh
• PPSh upgrade cost increased from 40 to 60
The reload time of the SU-76 is being increased to reduce its performance against armored vehicles.
• Reload speed increased from 2.9/3.4 to 3.9/4.4
SU-76 Barrage Ability
The barrage ability on the SU-76 is being changed to match that of the ZiS-3 76mm Anti-tank gun barrage in terms of cost, scatter and AOE.
• Barrage ability now costs 35 Munitions
• AOE distance increased from 1/2/4 to 1.5/3/4.5
• AOE radius increased from 5 to 6
• Damage reduced from 120 to 80
• Angle scatter decreased from 15 to 8
• Distance scatter decreased from 7 to 5
• Distance scatter ratio increased from 0.125 to 0.167
• Tilt max distance from 0 to 10
PTRS (all variants)
We are lowering the PTRS’ deflection damage to reduce their impact against heavily armoured vehicles when attacking from the front.
• Deflection damage reduced from 20 to 10
IL-2 Loiter
The IL-2 Attack Loiter is having its damage reduced to lessen its ability to wipe infantry squads at full health.
• Damage from 5 to 3
Bren Mk. II Light Machine Gun
Bren Guns are being adjusted to be less potent at range, though their price is being reduced to match their new performance.
• Sappers now use Tommy Bren Gun on pick up
• Cost from 60 to 45
• Accuracy reduced from 0.575/0.518/0.46 to 0.575/0.4144/0.391
• Mid range from 28 to 25
The Heavy Sapper upgrade is having its price reduced to better reflect its price.
• Sapper Heavy Sapper upgrade munition cost reduced from 70 to 60
Vickers HMG
The Vickers is receiving a slight cost reduction to promote diverse build openings; suppression bonuses at veterancy 2 have also been added to help this unit scale into the late game.
• Cost reduced to 260
• Build time increased by 4 seconds
• Veterancy 2 now provides a 20% bonus to suppression
• Veterancy 1 garrisoned range and sight bonus reduced from +25% to +15%
BOIS Anti-Tank Infantry Sections
The AT Infantry Section will no longer be able to purchase upgrade kits due to their existing versatility.
• Can no longer upgrade Medkits/Pyro supplies
• AT nade range from 20 to 15
Universal Carrier
The UC is having its armor adjusted; these changes should also allow small-arms to penetrate the vehicle more frequently, increasing counterplay.
• Hit points increased from 200 to 240; WASP & Vickers upgrade no longer increase HP
• Front armor reduced from 10 to 7
• Rear armor reduced from 5 to 4.1
• WASP upgrade cost increased from 70 to 75 MU
• WASP range reduced from 32 to 30
M3 Resupply HT
• Weapon Drop ability (Vickers/PIATs) now require Weapon Racks to be unlocked.
The Cromwell is having its cost reduced to better reflect its performance.
• Fuel cost from 120 to 110
AEC - Treadshot Ability
• Treadshot is once again an aimed ability
• Reading aim time increased from 1.5 to 2
• Far accuracy increased from 0.3 to 0.35
• Speed horizontal from 40 to 60
• Speed vertical from 17 to 25
Scatter is being increased to reduce the Centaur’s offensive capabilities and ability to wipe units, even on retreat.
• Scatter angle/distance increased from 5/2.15 to 7.5/4.15
• 20mm Strafing Fire ability now has a minimum traverse of 15 meters
• 20mm Strafing Fire ability cost reduced from 50 to 30
The 6-pounder is having its bonus against heavy vehicles removed; it will still be capable of reliably striking light vehicles, but will no longer have a guaranteed chance to hit tanks.
• +50% accuracy bonus now only applies to light vehicles
M2HB .50cal Heavy Machine Gun Team
To improve counterplay, sprint is being removed from veterancy 1.
• Sprint veteran ability removed
• Suppression reduced from .00006 to 0.00054
• Veterancy 1 increases suppression by multiplier of 1.1
P47 Rocket Loiter
The P47 rocket attack was causing too much damage for its cost, particularly against larger vehicles where rockets had a low chance of missing.
• Damage from 80 to 65
M8 Greyhound
The M8 is having its damage lowered to make it less effective against vehicles; its performance against infantry will remain unaffected.
• Damage from 60 to 40
• AoE damage changed from 0.8/0.28/0.04 to 1/0.42/0.06
We are removing the M36’s extra sight bonuses. The Jackson will still be an effective tank destroyer due to its high mobility, penetration, range and damage.
• Sight reduced from 40 to 35
• Veterancy 2 sight bonus removed
Semoskiy Winter
• Wooden fence in the cemetery was passable for infantry. This has been corrected.
Semoskiy Winter
• Wooden fence in the cemetery was passable for infantry. This has been corrected.
• A patch of the map near the South West fuel point did not display fog of war properly. This has been corrected.
Rhzev Winter - Custom Games Only
• An additional map entry point in the South has been removed.
• Graphical issues with the new shoreline have been adjusted so that everything blends more smoothly. This includes height mapping issues on several roads.
• HQ markers, territory points, map entry points and bunker markers in the area of the North spawn have all been adapted to ensure ownership belongs to players 3 and 4. This should prevent the errors on this map with player 1 having ownership of the North territory.
• Deep snow has been removed across the entire map, as many areas were completely missed. Areas of snow will still leave footprints and tracks, but won’t affect gameplay at all.
Port of Hamburg
• Tweaked pathing from North and South side from the bases to the middle of the map
• Some missing texture bugs from the live version have been fixed
• Removed two spawns for consistency.
Rzhev Winter
• An additional map entry point in the South has been removed.
• Graphical issues with the new shoreline have been adjusted so that everything blends more smoothly. This includes height mapping issues on several roads.
• HQ markers, territory points, map entry points and bunker markers in the area of the North spawn have all been adapted to ensure ownership belongs to players 3 and 4. This should prevent the errors on this map with player 1 having ownership of the North territory.
• Deep snow has been removed across the entire map, as many areas were completely missed. Areas of snow will still leave footprints and tracks, but won’t affect gameplay at all
• Removed some pieces of fencing on left and right VP to make pathing more balanced for both sides.
• Removed one fence on the right hand of the map between Munitions and VP to provide better pathing
• Removed the windows on the house near the western cutoff to better balance the map.
• Improved general pathing near the central VP
Port of Hamburg
• Tweaked pathing from the North and South side from the bases to the middle of the map
• Some missing texture bugs from the live version have been fixed
• Removed some pieces of fencing on left and right VP to make pathing more balanced for both sides.
• Removed one fence on the right hand of the map between Munitions and VP to provide better pathing
• Removed the windows on the house near the western cutoff to better balance the map.
• Improved general pathing near the central VP
Source : https://community.companyofheroes.com/discussion/comment/277440#Comment_277440