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Company of Heroes France

2016.12.22 - Mise à jour

Release Date: 12/22/2016


Au programme de cette mise à jour de 621Mo, nous aurons droit à l'ajout de 5 apparences (1 par faction), 5 cadres de plaquette, 1 carte 1v1, 4 cartes 2v2 et contenu existant non achetable jusqu'à présent dans le magasin du jeu ainsi que l'amélioration de l'équilibrage de 6 carte existantes.



  • 5 New Historical Skin Sets - 1x each faction, UGC historical skin sets created by community modders Starbuck and Georider added to the in-game store from the curated pathway on the Steam Workshop. 35% of all revenue generated from these skins sets goes back to the community!

  • 5 New Faceplates - 1x each faction, UGC faceplates created by community modder RitaRush added to the in-game store from the curated pathway on the Steam Workshop. 35% of all revenue generated from these faceplates goes back to the community!

  • 1 New 1v1 Map - The community-made map and grand prize winner of Tric's Map Making contest, Halbe, has made its way into COH2's 1v1 automatch and custom games list. This map was created by community map maker, Beagletank
  • 4 New 2v2 Maps - The community-map spotlight shines on the 2v2 gamemode this month with 4 new community-made maps making their way into the automatch and custom games list.
  1. Elst Outskirts by MonolithicBacon
  2. Lisores River by STAHLHAGEL
  3. Pripyat Sector by Tric
  4. Schilberg Outskirts - by MonolithicBacon & Stormless


  • The maps Hill 400, Caen, Market Ruins, Bombarded Refinery, Rüstungswerke Essen, and Westwall have received updates to resolve pathing and balance issues.


  • The Valkyria Chronicles skins are now available to purchase via Supply

  • Community commanders (Soviet Defensive Tactics & Wehrmacht Defensive Doctrine) added to the in-game store

  • The following new Commander Bundles have been add to the in-game store
  1. Soviet Top Played Commander Bundle (1v1)
  2. Soviet Top Played Commander Bundle (Team Games)
  3. Soviet Top Played Commander Bundle (Overall)
  4. Wehrmacht Top Played Commander Bundle
  5. OKW Top Played Commander Bundle
  6. USF Top Played Commander Bundle
  7. British Top Played Commander Bundle
  8. HelpingHans' Recommended Commander Bundle

Source : https://community.companyofheroes.com/discussion/comment/261713#Comment_261713

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