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Company of Heroes France

2016.07.28 - Mortar Hotfix

Release Date: 07/28/2016


Hotfix corrigeant notamment le mortier USF.



  • Revamped promotional UI added to main lobby

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the USF Mortar could track, fire at, and reveal enemies through the FOW

  • Fixed a bug which caused the USF Motar to have stronger performance than intended

  • Fixed a bug which caused the USF Mortar to receive twice the reduction in scatter at Vet 1 & 2 than intended
  • Fixed a bug with the Soviet 82mm & 120mm Mortar's default weapon causing it to not receive its range bonus at Vet 3
  • Fixed a bug with the Wehrmacht Mortar causing the default weapon to not receive its range bonus at Vet 3

Source : https://community.companyofheroes.com/discussion/comment/252495#Comment_252495

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