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Company of Heroes France

2015.12.10 - Hotfix

Release Date: 12/10/2015





Oberkommando West

After analyzing play data from the weekend we saw an increase in early tank usage for the Oberkommando West. We are releasing a targeted change to directly reduce that usage and to bring the OKW on par with the other four factions.

Panzer IV Ausf. J Medium Tank

  • Fuel cost increased from 135 to 150

Panther PzKpfw V Medium Tank

  • Fuel cost increased from 175 to 200

Panther PzKpfw V Command Tank

  • Fuel cost increased from 200 to 225

Tiger B “Königstiger”

  • Fuel cost increased from 260 to 310

“Jagdtiger” Panzerjäger Tiger Ausf. B

  • Fuel cost increased from 245 to 280


We have adjusted the squad and entity population values of infantry. This will allow all infantry to retain their previous population value pre-patch without the use of decimal values. Previously having decimal population values would cause issues with call-in units. This is now resolved. All infantry entities will now have a population of 1 with the difference added onto their squad population extension.


  • Fixed an issue in the Leaderboards where sometimes players would appear as level 0
  • Updated several tool tips around the Oberkommando West rework
  • Reverted a change that caused ability speech to be spammed under certain conditions
  • Fixed an issue where chat text colours wouldn’t appear correctly
  • Fixed an issue with the ~ key no longer opening chat history
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes player names would be missing in the game setup lobby

Oberkommando West

  • Swapped the positions of the Volksgrenadiers and Sturmpioneers in the Command Headquarters build menu
  • Volksgrenadiers’ overall population cost increased from 5 to 7
    • Population per entity unchanged at 1
    • Population per squad increased from 0 to 2
  • Obersoldaten’s overall population cost increased from 8 to 10
    • Population per entity unchanged at 2
    • Population per squad increased from 0 to 2
  • Pak 43 88mm Anti-Tank Gun population cost decreased from 13 to 10
  • Panzerfusilier’s Anti-Tank Rifle Grenade damage increased from 40 to 100
  • Fixed a rare crash when using Goliath’s Detonate ability
  • Goliaths no longer provide light cover
  • Goliaths will now camouflage in deep snow


  • Pioneer’s overall population cost increased from 4 to 6
    • Population per entity unchanged at 1
    • Population per squad increased from 0 to 2
  • Grenadiers’ overall population cost decreased from 8 to 7
    • Population per entity decreased from 2 to 1
    • Population per squad increased from 0 to 3
  • Grenadiers’ Rifle Grenade ability’s weapon delay decreased from 3 to 2.125
  • Stormtroopers can now purchase the Jaeger Infantry Package
  • Stormtroopers can now acquire the Model 24 Stun Grenade ability


  • Shock Troops’ overall population cost decreased from 12 to 8
    • Population per entity decreased from 2 to 1
    • Population per squad increased from 0 to 2
  • Guards Rifle Infantry’s call-in population cost now properly displayed at 8

US Forces

  • Rear Echelon Troops’ overall population cost increased from 4 to 5
    • Population per entity unchanged at 1
    • Population per squad increased from 0 to 1
  • Riflemen’s overall population cost unchanged at 7
    • Population per entity decreased from 1.4 to 1
    • Population per squad increased from 0 to 2
  • Lieutenant’s overall population cost unchanged at 8
    • Population per Lieutenant entity unchanged at 2
    • Population per Riflemen entity decreased from 1.5 to 1
    • Population per squad increased from 0 to 2
  • Captain’s overall population cost increased from 7 to 8
    • Population per Captain entity unchanged at 2
    • Population per Rear Echelon Troop unchanged at 1
    • Population per Riflemen entity decreased from 1.5 to 1
    • Population per squad increased from 0 to 2
  • Renamed the ZSU M17 MGMC to M16 Half-Track
  • Rear Echelon Troops’ Volley Fire ability’s munition cost decreased from 35 to 20

UK Forces

  • Infantry Section’s overall population cost decreased from 8 to 7
    • Population per entity decreased from 2 to 1
    • Population per squad increased from 0 to 3
  • Tank Hunter Infantry Section’s overall population cost decreased from 8 to 7
    • Population per entity decreased from 2 to 1
    • Population per squad increased from 0 to 3
  • Royal Engineers’ overall population cost decreased from 8 to 6
    • Population per entity decreased from 2 to 1
    • Population per squad increased from 0 to 2
  • Royal Engineers Recovery Squad’s overall population cost decreased from 8 to 6
    • Population per entity decreased from 2 to 1
    • Population per squad increased from 0 to 2
  • Fixed an issue with the Command Vehicle Air Support ability not providing sight

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