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Company of Heroes France

2014.04.24 - Mise à jour

Release Date: 04/24/2014





  • Added the German Doctrine: Mobile Defense Commander
  • Added the Soviet Tactics: Lend and Lease Commander

Main Menu Redesign

  • The main menu has been reformatted to improve flow and readability and to better highlight important new features and community events.
  • A new Menu widget has been added globally to the bottom left of the screen that provides quick access to Options, Player Profile, and other features.
  • A new Store dialog is now accessible from the Main Menu to allow users easier access to and navigation through all additional content available for Company of Heroes 2

World Builder Updates

  • Custom maps can now include a <scenarioname>.scar file for custom scripts. Simply create this file alongside your <scenarioname>.sgb and it will get included in the archive when you export your map.
  • Improved Steam Workshop quota related error messages.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix an issue causing a compatibility message to appear for users playing on Windows 8.1
  • Addressed an issue where equipped skins and bulletins wouldn’t load in saved games
  • Maps not selectable in Automatch no longer appear in the Automatch map list
  • Fixed an issue where the Advance Warfare Tactics Commander’s T-34/85 ability didn’t gain bulletin buffs
  • Fixed a bug that would prevent the Panzergrenadiers from gaining the Casualty Interrogation ability when equipped with the Jaeger Infantry Package
  • Fixed an issue where the AI would sometimes stop retreating units outside of a base’s reinforce area
  • Fixed an issue where the AI would sometimes drive vehicles into engineers when trying to get repaired
  • Fixed an issue where the AI would sometimes try to get a vehicle repaired by an engineer that was busy constructing or repairing another vehicle

Balance Changes

Command Point Pacing
All heavy vehicle dispatches have had their command point cost increased by 1 to better align them with the pacing and tech progression changes and goals. Saving for a heavy vehicle should remain a viable strategy, the goal is to increase the risk of such a strategy to better reflect its potential value if pulled off successfully.

  • Tiger command point cost from 10 to 11
  • Tiger Ace command point cost from 14 to 15
  • Elefant command point cost from 11 to 12
  • IS-2 command point cost from 10 to 11
  • ISU-152 command point cost from 11 to 12
  • KV-2 command point cost from 11 to 12
  • StuG III E command point cost from 5 to 6

Units and Abilities
A number of iterations were made to weapon profiles and abilities to improve early game infantry combat.

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  • The low accuracy on the Osttruppen rifle led to their weapon output feeling very inconsistent. This was addressed by increasing their accuracy while reducing the damage done per shot. Additional modifications were made to improve the viability of the Osttruppen at all stages of the game, such as increasing their capture rate to 1. Osttruppen will remain slightly combat inefficient relative to Grenadiers.
    • Cover bonus from 1.75x accuracy to 2x accuracy
    • Accuracy from 0.21/0.2/0.19 to 0.45/0.4/.35
    • Damage from 16 to 8
    • Cooldown from 0.5-1 to 0.75-1.25
    • Cooldown near modifier from 0 to 0.125
    • Wind down from 1.625 to 1.3
    • Moving cooldown from 2 to 1.5
    • Capture rate from 0.5 to 1


  • The LMG42 had its weapon profile adjusted so that it performs stronger at long range and weaker at short range. In its previous form, it made assaults by short range units very difficult to execute due to its extreme close range damage output. This further strengthens the long range orientation of the LMG42 and the counterplay between itself and short range weaponry.
    • LMG42 accuracy from 0.47/0.44/0.41 to 0.56/0.44/.038
    • LMG42 Aim time multiplier from 0.5/0.75/1 to 0.75/0.875/1
    • LMG42 Fire aim time from 0.25-0.625 to 0.25-0.5
    • LMG42 Post firing aim time from 0.5 to 0.25
    • LMG42 Ready aim time from 1.25-2 to 0..625-1
    • LMG42 Burst duration multiplier from 3/2/1 to 0.75/1.25/1.5
    • LMG42 Burst length from 0.5-0.75 to 0.5-1
    • LMG42 range distance mid from 20 to 28
    • LMG42 Rate of fire multiplier from 1/0.875/0.9375 to 1/1.125/1.25
    • LMG42 Cooldown duration multiplier from 0.5/0.675/0.85 to 0.75/0.875/1
    • LMG42 Reload frequency from 4 to 6
  • This adjusts the G43 to more closely function as a carbine type weapon profile. It reduces the Grenadier long range damage output while increasing mid to short range DPS. Additionally, this weapon now performs better on the move, making it ideal for tactical flanks.
    • G43 accuracy from 0.55/0.5/0.45 to 0.55/0.42/0.37
    • G43 no longer gains a bonus accuracy vs. light, heavy, and garrison cover
    • G43 Moving accuracy from 0.6 to 0.8
    • G43 Moving cooldown from 2 to 0.5
    • G43 Range distance near from 0 to 6
    • G43 Range distance mid from 25 to 18
    • G43 upgrade cost from 60 MU to 45 MU
  • Rifle-grenade cost increased to better align it with similar grenades, such as the RGD-42 which cost 30 munitions. Although the rifle-grenade has a greater range than the RGD-42, its explosive radius is smaller and less lethal.
    • Rifle-grenade munition cost from 25 to 30
  • These changes slightly reduce the efficiency of the Grenadier squad. The intent is to reduce Grenadier blobbing and encourage the use of combined arms.
    • Population from 6 to 7
    • Grenadiers can now only upgrade to either the LMG42 or G43, not both.

Panzer Grenadier

  • This adjusts the G43 to more closely function as a carbine type weapon profile. It increases the Panzer Grenadier long range damage output while decreasing its mid to short range DPS. Additionally, this weapon now performs better on the moving, making it ideal for tactical flanks.
    • G43 Accuracy from 0.65/0.6/0.55 to 0.65/0.52/0.47
    • G43 no longer gains a bonus accuracy vs. light, heavy, and garrison cover
    • G43 Moving accuracy from 0.6 to 0.8
    • G43 Moving cooldown from 2 to 0.5
    • G43 Range distance near from 0 to 6
    • G43 Range distance mid from 25 to 18
  • The Panzer Grenadier squad over performed for its cost. These two changes lower its performance to better reflect its cost to value.
    • Armor from 1.2 to 1
    • MP44 accuracy from 0.58/0.45/0.4 to 0.56/0.45/0.4


  • These changes reduced the combat potency of Pioneers to better reflect their intended role as a utility unit. The Pioneer squad still remains combat viable, but do so at a premium cost.
    • Bonus accuracy from 1.2 to 1.15
    • Accuracy from 0.45/0.2/0.1 to 0.35/0.2/0.1

Combat Engineer

  • Combat Engineers were under performing for cost; similar to the Pioneer changes above they will perform at a slight cost premium to reflect their role as a utility unit.
    • Manpower cost from 190 to 170
    • Build time from 19 to 17


  • This change helps resolve the long range damage disparity between Grenadiers and Conscript. As a result, Conscripts can now engage Grenadiers on more equal footing.
    • Mosin Nagant accuracy from 0.45/0.35/0.25 to 0.45/0.39/0.30
    • Moving accuracy from 0.4 to 0.5
  • This change better aligns the risk vs. reward of using assault type weapons. More damage will be inflicted on approach to counter the received damage.
    • PPSH moving accuracy from 0.5 to 0.8

Partisans and Irregulars

  • This maintains consistency in the functionality of the Partisan LMG42 and DP-28 relative to the Grenadier LMG42 and Guard Riflemen DP-28 upgrade. It also better defines the units long range role.
    • LMG42 weapon profile adjusted to be consistent with changes to Grenadier LMG42
    • DP-28 weapon profile adjusted to function similar to the LMG42
  • This change better aligns the risk vs. reward of using assault type weapons. More damage will be inflicted on approach to counter balance received damage.
    • PPSH moving accuracy from 0.375 to 0.6
  • With the LMG profile adjustments, Irregulars are worth slightly more.
    • Irregulars cost from 180 to 190
    • Reinforcement time from 2.25 to 2.375

Guard Riflemen

  • Guard Riflemen were underperforming for their cost. The range of the PTRS was also inconsistent with other hand held AT weaponry such as the Panzerschreck – which is currently set to 35. This avoids scenarios were skilled players could leverage this range to damage vehicles without taking reciprocating fire. The Mosin Nagant also saw an increase to its long range damage output to reduce the disparity between the Mosin and the Kar 98.
    • Manpower cost from 360 to 330
    • Population from 9 to 8
    • DP-28 rescaled to use the new LMG42 weapon profile
    • DP-28 upgrade cost from 100 MU to 75 MU
    • Guard Mosin Nagant accuracy from 0.7/0.55/0.45 to 0.65/0.58/0.46
    • Guard Mosin Nagant Moving accuracy from 0.6 to 0.75
    • Guard Mosin Nagant Moving cooldown from 1.25 to 0.5
    • PTRS range from 45 to 40


  • Blitzkrieg enabled German armor to escape potentially deadly situation at a fairly low cost. This placed German armor in a very advantageous position relative to Soviet armor, as they could take greater risk while sustaining lower casualties on average. Other issues, such as awkward movement behavior or unrealistic accuracy, made the ability feel a bit cheap and magical. This change synergizes well with the recent modifications to acceleration, as vehicles will be far more responsive while the ability is active.
    • Now provides 1.6x acceleration
    • Received accuracy modifier from 0.5 to 0.75
    • Speed and accuracy modifier removed
    • Munition cost from 40 to 30


  • The reduction in max speed helps prevent awkward movement behavior on the M3 and M5.
    • Now provides 1.6x acceleration
    • Received accuracy modifier from 0.5 to 0.75
    • Cost from 0 MU to 10 MU


  • Currently, ram is being used as a crowd control measure to disable other vehicles. The intent isn’t for a full health T34 to ram other vehicles; instead, ram should be used when the T34 is near death to highlight its usage as a last resort type ability.
    • No longer causes instant main gun destroyed critical
    • Now has a chance to cause one of the follow criticals to occur: light engine damage, heavy engine damage, immobilization, or main gun destroyed. The chance is weighed such that light engine damage has the highest occurrence where main gun destroyed has the lowest.

Marked Vehicle

  • These changes prevent an issue where units could be destroyed in 1 or 2 hits from multiple marked targets on the enemy vehicle applying simultaneously. It also reduces the impact of the ability as we felt it provided too great an advantage to Soviet armor in the previous state.
    • No longer stacks multiple times
    • Reduced bonus damage modifier from 50% to 35%

Support Team Modifications
A number of modifications were made to support weapons designed to increase their utility on the battle field. For example, heavy machine guns were given increased penetration enabling them to act as a soft counter to light vehicles.

Weapon Teams

  • Previously, weapon teams would receive +25% more damage from all sources. This modifier has been replaced with a +25% received accuracy value. Tank fire and grenades will be less effective vs. weapon teams as a result; small arms fire remains relatively unchanged.

AOE Profiles

  • Very similar to the changes made to grenade AOE profiles. Long and mid-range AOE no longer has a chance to miss its target, the weapon profile damage has been averaged out to compensate. Slight adjustments to AOE radius or distance values were made on a number of support teams to better align them with their intended performance.

105mm Howitzer

  • These changes reduce the viability of artillery saturation on the opposing player’s base. Additionally, howitzers should feel more organic with the changes to reload.
    • Reload time from 2.75 to 2.25-2.75
    • Shots fired per barrage from 12 to 6
    • Crew size from 3 to 4

152mm Howitzer

  • These changes reduce the viability of artillery saturation on the opposing player’s base. Additionally, howitzers should feel more organic with the changes to reload.
    • Shots fired per barrage from 8 to 4
    • Reload time from 3 to 2.8-3.2
    • Barrage recharge time from 120s to 90s
    • Crew size from 3 to 4

PAK 40

  • Medium and heavy vehicle potency has been increased with this update, these changes help offset this increased potency by improving the performance and reliability of AT guns.
    • Accuracy from 0.055/0.0425/0.03 to 0.06/0.05/.04
    • Reload time from 2.9 to 2.7-3.1
    • Penetration from 170 to 190

PAK 43

  • Medium and heavy vehicle potency has been increased with this update, these changes help offset this increased potency by improving the performance and reliability of AT guns.
    • Accuracy from 0.055/0.0425/0.03 to 0.06/0.05/.04
    • Reload time from 3.65 to 3.5-3.8
    • Penetration from 400 to 340
    • Crew size from 3 to 4
    • Population from 21 to 18
    • Now has hold fire

ZIS 76mm Field Gun

  • Medium and heavy vehicle potency has been increased with this update, these changes help offset this increased potency by improving the performance and reliability of AT guns. The damage output of the ZIS Field Gun barrage will now feel more consistent as a result of the new AOE profiles.
    • Accuracy from 0.055/0.0425/0.03 to 0.06/0.05/.04
    • Penetration from 170 to 180

B4 203mm Howitzer

  • Adjusted performance of B4 to be more in line with the ISU-152.
    • Direct fire penetration from 1000 to 300
    • Direct fire is now on a shared recharge timer with barrage and precision strike
    • Recharge timer on barrage from 55 to 60


  • HMG teams now act as a soft counter to light vehicles. This diversified the tactics available to players when encountering heavy use of light vehicles in the early game.
    • Penetration from 1/1/1 to 2.2/1.8/1.4

53K 45mm AT Gun

  • Medium and heavy vehicle potency has been increased with this update, these changes help offset this increased potency by improving the performance and reliability of AT guns.
    • Accuracy from 0.03/0.0425/0.055 to 0.04/0.05/0.06
    • Reload time from 2.625 to 2.5-2.75


  • HMG teams now act as a soft counter to light vehicles. This diversified the tactics available to players when encountering heavy use of light vehicles in the early game. Refactored the performance of the Dshk HMG and resulting cost to make it easier to field.
    • Penetration from 1/1/1 to 2.5/2.0/1.5
    • Armor piercing rounds now provides 3x penetration rather than an additional +9 penetration at all ranges
    • Properly received the +25% received accuracy like all other team weapons
    • Damage from 12 to 10
    • Manpower cost from 360 to 300

Maxim HMG

  • HMG teams now act as a soft counter to light vehicles. This diversified the tactics available to players when encountering heavy use of light vehicles in the early game.
    • Penetration from 1/1/1 to 1.6/1.4/1.2

Vehicle Top Gunner
Increased damage output of vehicle top gunners, previously the upgrade added little value to the unit. The cost has been increased to better account for the value of this upgrade.

German Mounted MG42

  • Munition cost from 30 to 50

Soviet Mounted Dshk

  • Munition cost from 30 to 60

Vehicle Modifications
A number of modifications were made to medium and heavy vehicles to better align the units relative to one another. German vehicle penetration tended to be fairly high, resulting in a devaluation of Soviet armor values. These changes also seek to solidify unit roles and remove any ineffective units from the game.

AOE Profiles

  • Very similar to the changes made to grenade AOE profiles. Long and mid-range AOE no longer has a chance to miss its target, the weapon profile damage has been averaged out to compensate. Slight adjustments to AOE radius or distance values were made on a number of vehicles to better align them with their intended performance.


  • The goal was to better distinguish light, medium and heavy vehicles from one another. By increasing the applicable speed range, we can better define light vehicle mobility relative to heavier units. Vehicle acceleration has also been adjusted to accomplish this goal.
    • Increased max speed by 1.2, tuned rotation to ensure smooth pathing
    • Negative cover from 1.4x to 1.5x max speed; vehicles move faster on roads
    • Adjusted vehicle terrain performance based on type. For example, vehicles with tracks can move through heavy and light cover easier than wheeled vehicles.
    • Acceleration is now properly functioning within the game; previously, vehicles incorrectly used deceleration to define the rate at which they accelerated, resulting in near instant max speed.

Vehicle Penetration

  • Vehicle penetration is now based on distance to target. High velocity weapons have a lower drop off than low velocity. High explosive weapons do not drop off over distance.

Vehicle Criticals

  • Engine damage criticals will only occur on the front or rear armor of a vehicle depending on engine position. For example, a Panzer IV no longer receives an engine critical if hit from the front. However, this does not impact weapons like the AT grenade which force criticals. Main gun destroyed criticals function in a similar manner, a SU-85 can no longer gain a main gun destroyed from a rear penetrating shot.
  • Rear armor hits now display a kicker to indicate to the player that the enemy tank has been exposed; similar to Company of Heroes.

222 Scout Car

  • The armor reduction increases the vulnerability of the Scout Car to small arms fire, increasing the overall risk associated with its use vs. these targets. The fuel increase furthers the risk to the player’s tech progression and overall use of this unit en masse.
    • Armor from 11 to 9
    • Manpower cost from 240 to 210
    • Fuel cost from 10 to 15

Panzer IV

  • The Panzer IV will continue to dominate the T34 in the anti-armor role but will perform worse versus infantry. That said, compared to the Panther, the Panzer IV does perform better vs. soft targets including infantry and light vehicles.
    • Armor from 160 to 180
    • Rear armor from 80 to 90
    • Reload from 5.75 to 5.3-5.7


  • Relative to the Panzer IV, the Ostwind performs extremely well vs. soft targets but is vulnerable to other medium vehicles. Relative to the T70, the Ostwind provides greater fire power at reduced mobility and increased durability. It also provides anti-air support.
    • Armor from 105 to 110
    • Rear armor from 52.5 to 55
    • Penetration from 35 to 40
    • Cooldown from 0.6 to 0.5-0.7
    • Distance scatter max from 2.15 to 2.9
    • Manpower from 320 to 280
    • Fuel from 115 to 100


  • The StuG III G fulfills the role of assault gun. These changes make it more effective vs. infantry and slightly worse versus medium and heavy vehicles. Relative to the T34, the StuG III G provides extremely high damage output but is fairly vulnerable to being flanked.
    • Armor from 160 to 140
    • Rear armor from 80 to 70
    • Penetration from 140 to 120
    • Health from 480 to 400
    • Reload time from 4 to 3.5-4.5
    • Distance scatter max from 6.5 to 4
    • Scatter angle from 7.5 to 5
    • Manpower from 280 to 230
    • Fuel from 95 to 80


  • The short barrel of the StuG III E makes it ideal vs. soft targets. An assault gun dedicated more towards the anti-infantry role relative to the StuG III G; these changes drastically improve its performance relative to cost.
    • Armor from 120 to 140
    • Rear armor from 35 to 70
    • Health from 320 to 400
    • Reload from 5.25 to 3.2-3.8
    • Manpower 160 to 200
    • Fuel from 55 to 75


  • The Panther provides the perfect combination of mobility and anti-tank capacity, making it the ideal counter to heavy armor. Its cutting edge suspension enables it to easily traverse even the roughest of terrain, enabling it to execute flanking maneuvers on unsuspecting armor.
    • Penetration from 170 to 240
    • Rear armor from 112.5 to 110
    • Reload from 6.45 to 5.8-6.7
    • Health from 960 to 800
    • Manpower from 520 to 490
    • Fuel from 145 to 175
    • Vet 2 now provides 10% armor and 160 health


  • Relative to the StuG III G, the Brummbar provides unparalleled infantry support and remains effective vs. medium vehicles.
    • Armor from 200 to 210
    • Rear armor from 87.5 to 105
    • Penetration from 75 to 120
    • Reload from 8.25 to 7.5-9
    • Distance scatter max from 1 to 4
    • Manpower from 560 to 470
    • Fuel from 140 to 160
    • Build time from 60 to 55


  • The increased recharge timer offsets higher than desired artillery saturation.
    • Recharge time from 54 to 90


  • Heavy armor saw an increase in performance to better highlight its tech placement. When a player transitions from light to medium armor, there is a very clear differentiation in the power of medium vehicles vs. light. This change better highlights the transition from medium to heavy while still retaining the role of medium vehicles in the late game. Lower rear armor maintains the value of flanking while increased combat potential better addresses the tech level of the vehicle. Additionally, the new AOE profile on the Tiger has significantly increased its anti-infantry performance.
    • Rear armor from 250 to 180
    • Penetration from 154 to 200
    • Reload from 5 to 4.7-5.3
    • Manpower from 720 to 640
    • Fuel from 200 to 230


  • Heavy armor saw an increase in performance to better highlight its tech placement. When a player transitions from light to medium armor, there is a very clear differentiation in the power of medium vehicles vs. light. This change better highlights the transition from medium to heavy while still retaining the role of medium vehicles in the late game. Lower rear armor maintains the value of flanking while increased combat potential better addresses the tech level of the vehicle.
    • Penetration from 170 to 400
    • Scatter angle from 7.5 to 5
    • Reload from 8.55 to 8-9
    • Health from 1280 to 1040
    • Now has hold fire

M3A1 Scout Car

  • The intent was to increase the durability of the M3A1 to better balance the risk vs. reward that comes with the use of this unit. The added penetration on the top gunner will increase the performance of this unit vs. other lightly armored units, such as the 222 Scout Car or 251 Half-track. Additionally, we wanted to increase the impact of fielding light vehicles on the player’s tech progression.
    • Penetration on front gunner from 1/1/1 to 3.5/2.5/1.5
    • Health from 180 to 200
    • Manpower cost from 230 to 190
    • Fuel cost from 5 to 10

M5 Half-track

  • Penetration was added to both the 50 cal and Quad mounted gunner to bring this units performance in line with changes to other heavy weapons (MG42, Maxim, etc).
    • Penetration on front gunner from 1/1/1 to 3.5/2.5/1.5
    • Quad penetration from 1/1/1 to 2.5/2.0/1.5


  • The T70 saw a number of changes to bring it in line with other light vehicles. The new AOE profiles improve the damage output of the T70 vs. infantry. Additionally, its mobility was improved to better enable its recon role and offensive capacities. This unit functions as a very effective hit and run unit or on the flank.
    • Armor from 55 to 70
    • Manpower from 160 to 200
    • Reload from 2.15 to 1.8-2.2
    • Fuel from 55 to 70


  • The goal was to improve the anti-armor capacity of the T34 to open up the number of viable strategies available to Soviets. We wanted to improve the appeal of the third building by reducing its dependence on additional anti-tank units. Relative to the Panzer IV, the T34 will lose the majority of engagements unless it is able to capitalize on its superior mobility. However, the T34 outperforms the Panzer IV against soft targets. The previously low armor of the T34 provided it very little protection against most German anti-tank sources; the increase to 150 significantly changes this relationship.
    • Armor from 115 to 150
    • Rear armor from 70 to 75
    • Reload from 4.75 to 6.2-6.8
    • Damage from 120 to 160
    • Manpower from 280 to 310
    • Build time from 45 to 50
    • Fuel from 85 to 100
    • Penetration from 80 to 100


  • Similar to the T34 in role, the T34-85 has gained a significant increase in anti-tank performance.
    • Armor from 124 to 160
    • Rear armor from 70 to 80
    • Penetration from 120 to 140
    • Reload time from 6 to 6-6.3
    • Manpower from 360 to 400
    • Fuel from 130 to 140
    • Double T34-85 call in manpower from 680 to 740
    • Double T34-85 call in fuel from 240 to 260


  • The SU-76 fulfills the role of indirect fire support as well as anti-tank support. The AOE profile changes have improved the performance of its barrage, making it better suited at indirect fire vs. stationary targets.
    • Armor from 100 to 70
    • Rear armor from 50 to 35
    • Penetration from 93 to 100
    • Damage from 80 to 120
    • Reload from 2.375 to 2.9-3.4
    • Min range from 5 to 0
    • Scatter angle from 5.5 to 5
    • Distance scatter max from 10 to 4.7
    • Manpower cost from 160 to 210
    • Fuel cost from 55 to 75


  • The SU-85 has been made more potent vs. medium and heavy armor while seeing a slight reduction in its durability. The mobility of the SU-85 has also been slightly improved to counter act the increase in mobility to other medium tanks.
    • Armor from 180 to 140
    • Rear armor from 80 to 70
    • Penetration from 170 to 190
    • Reload time from 4 to 3.8-4.2
    • Manpower from 320 to 340
    • Fuel from 115 to 120
    • Now has hold-fire


  • Heavy armor saw an increase in performance to better highlight its tech placement. When a player transitions from light to medium armor, there is a very clear differentiation in the power of medium vehicles vs. light. This change better highlights the transition from medium to heavy while still retaining the role of medium vehicles in the late game. Lower rear armor maintains the value of flanking while increased combat potential better addresses the tech level of the vehicle. The IS-2’s anti-infantry capabilities have been reduced and compensated with increased anti-armor.
    • Armor from 325 to 340
    • Rear armor from 225 to 205
    • Penetration from 170 to 220
    • Damage from 240 to 160
    • Reload from 9 to 6.2-6.6
    • Distance scatter max from 2.86 to 5.7
    • Manpower from 760 to 640
    • Fuel from 240 to 230


  • Heavy armor saw an increase in performance to better highlight its tech placement. When a player transitions from light to medium armor, there is a very clear differentiation in the power of medium vehicles vs. light. This change better highlights the transition from medium to heavy while still retaining the role of medium vehicles in the late game. Lower rear armor maintains the value of flanking while increased combat potential better addresses the tech level of the vehicle.
    • Armor from 200 to 310
    • Rear armor from 100 to 155
    • Penetration from 150 to 230
    • Reload from 10 to 9-11
    • Health from 960 to 1040
    • Distance scatter max from 13.2 to 8.7
    • Manpower from 760 to 720
    • Now has hold fire


  • The potency of its main gun has been increased in a similar manner to that of the T34. The KV-1 functions as a heavier variant to the T34 which is better able to engage medium armor. The KV-1 is also more accurate on the move vs. infantry than the T34, making it slightly more effective against soft targets.
    • Rear armor from 120 to 145
    • Reload from 4.75 to 6.2-6.8
    • Damage from 120 to 160
    • Health from 960 to 720
    • Manpower from 440 to 370
    • Moving scatter penalty from 2 to 1.75


  • Heavy armor saw an increase in performance to better highlight its tech placement. When a player transitions from light to medium armor, there is a very clear differentiation in the power of medium vehicles vs. light. This change better highlights the transition from medium to heavy while still retaining the role of medium vehicles in the late game. Lower rear armor maintains the value of flanking while increased combat potential better addresses the tech level of the vehicle.
  • Rear armor from 87.5 to 180
    • Penetration from 140 to 180
    • Damage from 320 to 240
    • Reload time from 16.75 to 10-12
    • Health from 960 to 800
    • Distance scatter max from 1 to 7.4
    • Manpower from 440 to 630
    • Fuel from 250 to 230


  • The KV-8 saw a significant decrease in its health to better align its performance to cost.
    • Rear armor from 120 to 145
    • Health from 960 to 720


  • The increased recharge timer offsets higher than desired artillery saturation. Its recharge is still lower than the Panzerwerfer to better represent its distributed saturation.
    • Recharge time from 60 to 70

Pacing and Tech Progression
The higher cost on the T70 and SU-76 this update meant that a lower cost on T3 and T4 could be implemented.

Tankoviy Battalion Command

  • Manpower cost from 275 to 240
  • Fuel from 140 to 120

Mechanized Armor Kampaneya

  • Manpower cost from 275 to 240
  • Fuel from 140 to 120

Bug Fixes
A number of minor bugs were fixed to improve gameplay.

German 105mm Howitzer

  • Now properly set to 8 command points

Panzer Grenadier Jaeger Infantry Package

  • Now has speech attached to the upgrade
  • Now requires friendly territory for upgrade
  • Now provides Interrogation ability


  • Acceleration was not properly being read by the engine, resulting in the value being ignored. This is no longer the case.


  • Now automatically fire when in cover

Tiger Ace

  • Target weak point no longer requires the Tiger to face the target

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